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Questions : - Read carefully , think and Answer First answer those question which

you know and make first list , after that google and make second list.

1. What infomration shows netstat nr command ?

2. How to check syslogd process is running or not ?

3. What infomation you can collect with prtconf command ?

4. What is use of ping command ?

5. How can I check error log of the system ?

6. What are the component of mksysb image ?

7. How to check users logged in to the system ?

8. I run command # fuser u /etc/passwd What infomration , I will get ? 9. What is difference between chmod and chmod R 10. What is difference between cp and cp p command ?


What is /var/spoll/cron/crontab file ?


How to check zombie processes ?


What is inutoc command , when do you use it ?


How to list current maintenence level ?


What is command to install APAR IY12345 from CD


What information you get from command bootinfo b


Google for port no of

FTP, SSH , Telnet , DNS, http , https, LDAP 18. What is r and b value in vmstat command output ?


What is command to mount in read only mode ?


What information I will get with uname a command ?

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