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Note for Record

To - From Umang Kochhar Subject Meeting with JD (IEC) NACO on 23rd September, 2008 to discuss the Adolescence Education programme Date - 23rd September, 2008

The meeting was held in the Room of Mr. Mayank Aggarwal, JD (IEC), NACO. Those attending were Mr. Mayank Aggarwal, JD (IEC), NACO, Dr Umang Kochhar (Consultant UNICEF) and Mr Bilal Ahmad (Technical Officer, AEP, NACO). The issues that were discussed were as follows: 1. National Consultation on AEP was held by NACO on July 29, 2008 and all PD SACS and Director SCERTs were invited. 2. The revised toolkit developed by NACO, guided by the sub-committee formed for revision of the toolkit, has been uploaded at NACOs website for feedback from the public. The comments will be taken till September 30 th, 2008. The feedback will be compiled and sent to the states to act as a guide for adaptation. The revised toolkit has already been shared by NACO with the states. 3. The master TOT, based on the revised toolkit, has taken place in the second week of September. These master trainers will play a role in State level consultations on AEP, toolkit adaptation support and advocacy workshops. 4. The key decisions taken/ vision ahead at the level of NACO are: a. The material will be adapted/ re-looked at the state level with the current toolkit as the basis. It will be opened for public feedback on their website which will be then taken into consideration without diluting the content. b. Advocacy workshops will be done with religious people, media, FBOs and other key stakeholders. c. No more bulk printing at the National level. States will be doing the same after adaptation. d. They have informed SACS and SCERTs that none of the UN agencies should be partnered with under the project, in view of the past experiences. Recommendations for UNICEFs role: 1.

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