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Introduction to Information and Communication Technology (4 periods) Overview of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (2 pe Define ICT. Describe the brief evolution of computers. <insert here>

Topic 1.1.1 riods) LO(s) Activity(s)

Topic 1.1.2 ICT In Everyday Life: Education, Banking, Industry and Commerce (2 periods) LO(s) List the usage of ICT in everyday life. State the differences between computerised and non-computerised systems. State the impact of ICT on society. Activity(s) Individual/Group task i. List the differences between computerised and non- computerised systems using search engines. ii. Discuss and list the differences between computerised and non- computeri sed systems. iii. Conduct a simple survey of ICT usage in the community. iv. Discuss the effects of controversial contents on society. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1.2 Computer Ethics and Legal Issues (6 periods) - Adjusted to 8 periods

Topic 1.2.1 Definition (2 periods) LO(s) Define Computer Ethics, Code of Ethics, Intellectual Property, P rivacy, Computer Crime and Cyber Law. Differentiate between ethics and law. State the need for intellectual property laws. Activity(s) Study on: i. common ethical practices (10 Commandments of Computer Ethics) ii. computer criminals (examples: Kevin Mitnick and Aman Shah) Topic LO(s) 1.2.2 Privacy (2 periods) List ways to protect privacy. State authentication and verification methods/technologies. Activity(s) Study on: i. available technologies for authentication and verification (include: wha t it is, where it is used, its efficiency, its availability) Topic 1.2.3 Controversial Contents and Control (2 periods) LO(s) List effects of controversial contents on society: i. Pornograph y and ii. Slander; Describe the process of filtering to control access to controver sial contents. Activity(s) Group Task i. Brainstorming ii. Slide presentation in groups for each topic Topic LO(s) 1.2.4 Computer Crimes (2 periods) Explain the need for Cyber Law. Explain briefly the computer crimes below: i. Fraud, ii. Copyrig ht Infringement, iii. Theft and iv. Attacks Activity(s)

Group Task i. Brainstorming ii. Slide presentation in groups for each topic ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1.3 Computer Security (6 periods)

Topic 1.3.1 Definition (2 periods) LO(s) Define computer security. Activity(s) Individual/Group task i. Conduct a study on effects of computer security breaches on an organizat ion ii. Compile the study in a portfolio Topic 1.3.2 Security Threats (2 periods) LO(s) Explain briefly the different threats to computer security: i. M alicious code, ii. Hacking, iii. Natural disaster and iv. Theft Activity(s) <insert here> Topic 1.3.3 Security Measures (2 periods) LO(s) Select the appropriate security measures to overcome ied computer threats Apply the correct security procedures. i. Antivirus, yware, iii. Cryptography, iv. Firewall, v. Data backup and vi. Human Activity(s) Activity 1.3.3 (Refer to provided module). i. Visit any computer shop or organization that uses any of the asures. the identif ii. Anti-Sp aspects security me

----------------------------------------------------------------------------1.4 Current and Future Developments (8 periods)

Topic 1.4.1 Impact of ICT on Society (2 periods) LO(s) Locate information from various sources (example: Internet, lib rary or magazines). Describe the impact of ICT on society. Present results in a clear, concise manner. Display cooperation in conducting study. Activity(s) Group task Portfolio: A compilation of information on i. Copyright and Piracy from moral and legal standpoints. Topic 1.4.1 Impact of ICT on Society (2 periods) LO(s) Locate information from various sources (example: Internet, lib rary or magazines). Describe the impact of ICT on society. Present results in a clear, concise manner. Display cooperation in conducting study. Activity(s) Group task Portfolio: A compilation of information on i. Lack of security and its effects on industry/economy/ government. Topic LO(s) 1.4.1 Impact of ICT on Society (2 periods) Locate information from various sources (example: Internet, lib

rary or magazines). Describe the impact of ICT on society. Present results in a clear, concise manner. Display cooperation in conducting study. Activity(s) Group task Portfolio: A compilation of information on i. Malaysian Cyber law, electronic government law. Topic 1.4.1 Impact of ICT on Society (2 periods) LO(s) Locate information from various sources (example: Internet, lib rary or magazines). Describe the impact of ICT on society. Present results in a clear, concise manner. Display cooperation in conducting study. Activity(s) Individual/Group task/Class level presentation Slide Presentation on any/all of the topics below: i. Phishing ii. Virus: Trojan Horse & Salami Attack iii. Hacking iv. Security measures: Biometrics(Fingerprint, Iris Scan) & Authentication ----------------------------------------------------------------------------2.1 Topic LO(s) System Concept (6 periods)

2.1.1 Overview of Computer Systems (2 periods) Define computer systems. State the meaning of input, process, output and storage. Describe the information processing cycle which includes input, process, output and storage. Activity(s) Individual task 1. Complete a task sheet (a block diagram) on The Computer System . Topic 2.1.2 Data Representation (1 period) LO(s) State the relationship of data representation: bit, byte and cha racter. Activity(s) <insert here> Topic 2.1.3 Introduction to Binary Coding (1 period) LO(s) Explain the function of ASCII code. Activity(s) <insert here> Topic 2.1.4 Data Measurement (1 period) LO(s) State the units of data measurement: i.) Bit, ii.) Byte, iii.) K ilobyte (KB), iv.) Megabyte (MB), v.) Gigabyte (GB) and vi.) Terabyte (TB) Activity(s) Identify the units used in data measurements. Topic 2.1.5 Clock Speed Measurement (1 period) LO(s) State the units of clock speed measurement: i. Megahertz (MHz), ii. Gigahertz (GHz) Activity(s) Identify the units used in clock speed measurements. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Hardware (12 periods) - Adjusted to 8 periods

Topic 2.2.1 Input Devices (2 periods) LO(s) Identify the input devices used for text, graphic, audio and vid eo. Activity(s) Retrieve photos of input devices from the Internet or other resources. Topic 2.2.2 Output Devices (2 periods) LO(s) Identify the output devices used for text, graphic, audio and vi deo Activity(s) Retrieve photos of input devices from the Internet or other resources. Topic 2.2.3 Motherboard (2 periods) LO(s) Identify the location of the central processing unit (CPU), expa nsion slots, expansion cards, RAM slots, ports and connectors on the motherboard . Activity(s) Hands-on. i. Teacher shows different parts and components of the motherboard. ii. Students identify the parts and components of the motherboard Topic 2.2.4 Storage (2 periods) LO(s) Explain types and functions of : i. primary storage (RAM, ROM), ii. secondary storage (magnetic medium optical medium, flash memory) Activity(s) Individual task: Differentiate between primary and secondary storage by completi ng a task sheet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------2.3 Topic LO(s) Software (6 periods) - Adjusted to 8 periods

2.3.1 Operating System (OS) (2 periods) State the various types of OS used on different platforms. State the functions of OS. State the different interfaces of OS. Activity(s) Collect information on different OS from relevant materials or the Internet. Topic 2.3.2 Application Software (2 periods) LO(s) State the types of application software (word processing, spread sheet, presentation, graphic). Describe the uses of application software (word processing, spre adsheet, presentation, graphic). Activity(s) Collect information on different application software from relevant materials or the Internet. Topic 2.3.3 Utility Program (2 periods) LO(s) Differentiate between the types and usage of utility programmes (file management, diagnostic and file compression). Activity(s) <insert here> Topic LO(s) 2.3.4 Proprietary and Open Source Software (2 periods) Differentiate between proprietary and open source software.

Activity(s) i. Find information on different types of proprietary and open source OS an d application software. ii. Find, download and explore one open source application software and give your comment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------2.4 Topic LO(s) Installation (12 periods)

2.4.1 Personal Computer (PC) Assembling (4 periods) Assemble the components of a PC. Display cooperation in assembling the components of a PC. Activity(s) Group task (Refer to provided module) i. Assemble components. ii. Follow step-by-step installation instructions provided. iii. Test the functionality of the PC. Topic 2.4.2 Hard Disk Partitioning and Formatting (4 periods) LO(s) Format and partition the hard disk. Activity(s) <insert here> Topic 2.4.3 Software Installation (4 periods) LO(s) Install operating system, application software and utility progr ams. Activity(s) <insert here> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------2.5 Current and Future Developments (4 periods) - Adjusted to 6 periods

Topic 2.5.1 Latest Open Source Software Available (2 periods) LO(s) Explain the latest open source OS and application software avail able in the market. Activity(s) Collect related information on open source software and compile it into a portfo lio/digital portfolio. Topic 2.5.2 Latest Development In ICT (2 periods) LO(s) Explain the latest ICT hardware and software Activity(s) Collect related information on the latest ICT hardware and software and compile it into a portfolio/digital portfolio. Topic 2.5.2 Latest Development In ICT (2 periods) LO(s) Explain pervasive computing. Activity(s) Collect related information on pervasive computing and compile it into a portfol io/digital portfolio. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------3.1 Basic Concepts of Computer Networks and Communications (6 periods) Importance of Computer Network (

Topics 3.1.1 Definition and 3.1.2 1 period) LO(s) Define computer networks. Define communications. State the importance of computer networks and communications. Activity(s) Group task i. Cite examples in immediate environment to show the importance of network and communication. Topic 3.1.3 Types of Networks (1 period) LO(s) Define types of computer networks: i. Local Area Network (LAN), ii. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and iii. Wide Area Network (WAN) Differentiate between the three types of computer networks. Activity(s) Group Task i. Retrieve information from relevant materials and the Internet. Topic 3.1.4 Network Architecture (1 period) LO(s) Define two types of network architecture: i. Client/Server and i i. Peer-to-Peer Activity(s) Group task i. Retrieve information on types of network architectures from relevant mat erials and the Internet Topic 3.1.5 LO(s) i. star Activity(s) Individual task i. Prepare ogy Network Topology (1 period) State three types of network topologies: i. bus, ii. ring and ii Differentiate between the three types of network topology. a graphic representation of the different types of network topol

Topic 3.1.6 Protocol (1 period) LO(s) Define Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) as a protocol to facilitate communication over computer network. Activity(s) Group Task i. Retrieve information from relevant materials and the Internet. Topic 3.1.7 Internet, Intranet, Extranet (1 period) LO(s) Describe the types of network communications technology: i. Int ernet, ii. Intranet and iii. Extranet Activity(s) Group Task i. Retrieve information from relevant materials and the Internet. Visit Internet Provider such as TMnet and Mimos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------3.2 Hardware Requirements (8 periods)

Topic 3.2.1 Devices (2 periods) LO(s) Identify the devices needed in computer network communication : i. Network Interface Card (NIC), ii. Wireless Network Interface Card, iii. Modem (internal and external), iv. Hub / Switch, v. Router and vi. Wireless Access Po int Activity(s) Individual task i. Retrieve information on the function of the stated devices from relevant materials and the Internet.

Topic 3.2.1 Devices (2 periods) LO(s) State the functions of the following: i. Network Interface Card (NIC), ii. Wireless Network Interface Card, iii. Modem (internal and external), iv. Hub / Switch, v. Router and vi. Wireless Access Point Activity(s) Individual task i. List the various network devices required to set up client/server networ k. Topic 3.2.2 Medium (2 periods) LO(s) Identify various types of cables such as Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), Shielded Twisted Pair (STP), Coaxial and Fibre Optic Cable. Activity(s) Individual task i. Label correctly pictures of different transmission media. Topic 3.2.2 Medium (2 periods) LO(s) Identify various types of wireless transmission media such as in frared, radio wave and satellite. Activity(s) Individual task i. Label correctly pictures of different wireless transmission media. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------3.3 Topic LO(s) Software Requirements (4 periods)

3.3.1 Server Software (2 periods) Define Network Operating System. Name various Network Operating System Software. Activity(s) Individual task i. Retrieve information from books and the Internet. Topic 3.3.2 Client Software (2 periods) LO(s) State the functions of various client software. Activity(s) Group task State the functions of the following: i. web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox) ii. email client (Outlook Express, Thunderbird) iii. network utilities (Ping, Trace Route) iv. network file manager (Network Neighbourhood, My Network Places) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------3.4 Topic LO(s) Setting Network Facilities (12 periods)

3.4.1 Installation of Network Interface Cards (NIC) (4 periods) Insert network interface cards (NIC). Install drivers for the NIC. Activity(s) Group task (Refer to provided module). i. Insert NIC correctly. ii. Follow step-by-step installation instructions provided. Topic 3.4.2 Cable Crimping and Testing (4 periods)

LO(s) e Crimp and test UTP cable: i. Straight cable and ii. Crossed cabl Create awareness of the correct way when crimping a cable. Activity(s) <insert here> Topic 3.4.3 Configuration and Testing of Network (2 periods) LO(s) Configure the workstation to join a Local Area Network : i. In ternet Protocol (IP) Address, ii. Subnet Mask and iii. Server name Test the network connection. Activity(s) Individual/ Group task i. Ping the server from the configured workstation. Topic 3.4.4 Share Data (2 periods) LO(s) Create a shared folder. Activity(s) Individual/ Group task i. Set up a shared folder. ii. Save a file in the shared folder. iii. Access the file in the shared folder from other workstations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------3.5 Current and Future Developments (6 periods)

Topic 3.5.1 Latest Development In Networks and Communications (2 periods) LO(s) Describe i. Mobile Computing (specifications, services, frequenc ies) Activity(s) Individual task i. Study on any of the chosen topic and save the document in the shared fol der. ii. Write a short report (minimum of 350 words) and save the document in the shared folder. Topic 3.5.1 Latest Development In Networks and Communications (2 periods) LO(s) Describe ii. Internet Technology and Services (VOIP, BLOG) Activity(s) Individual task i. Study on any of the chosen topic and save the document in the shared fol der. ii. Write a short report (minimum of 350 words) and save the document in the shared folder. Topic 3.5.1 Latest Development In Networks and Communications (2 periods) LO(s) Describe iii. Types of network (examples: PAN, VPN, WLAN, WIMAX) Activity(s) Individual task i. Study on any of the chosen topic and save the document in the shared fol der. ii. Write a short report (minimum of 350 words) and save the document in the shared folder. ============================================================================== 4.1 Multimedia Concepts (6 periods) - Adjusted to 8 periods and 4.1.2 Multimedia in Va

Topics 4.1.1 Definition of Multimedia rious Fields (2 periods)

LO(s) Define multimedia. Identify the use of multimedia in various fields. Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect and discuss information about the concept of multimedia. ii. Give examples of various applications of multimedia and discuss their co ntributions to the society. Topic 4.1.3 Interactivity of Multimedia (2 periods) LO(s) Differentiate between the characteristics of linear and non-line ar multimedia. Activity(s) Individual task i. Discuss the characteristics of linear and non-linear multimedia. Topic 4.1.4 Medium of Delivery (2 periods) LO(s) Compare and contrast the mediums of delivery for multimedia appl ications: i. web-based and ii. CD-based Activity(s) Individual task i. Discuss the similarities and differences between mediums of multimedia a pplication delivery. Topic 4.1.5 Multimedia Elements (2 periods) LO(s) Identify the multimedia elements: i. text, ii. audio, iii. video , iv. graphics and v. animation Activity(s) Individual task i. Match multimedia elements with the respective standard file formats. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4.2 Hardware and Software (6 periods)

Topic 4.2.1 Hardware (2 periods) LO(s) Identify hardware that can be used to produce multimedia product s: i. scanner, ii. video camera, iii. camera, iv. audio devices and v. video cap ture devices Activity(s) Group task i. Scan pictures using scanner. ii. Capture images and motions using camera and video camera. iii. Capture sound, music, narration or special effects using audio devices. iv. Capture video from video tape, laser disc or camera using video capture devices. Topics 4.2.2 Editing Software and 4.2.3 Authoring Tools (2 periods) LO(s) Identify editing software that can be used to produce multimedia elements: i. text editor, ii. graphics and image editor, iii. audio editor and iv. video and animation editor Define the various concepts in authoring tools: i. time frame co ncept, ii. icon concept and iii. card concept Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on popular multimedia editing software from printed materials or the Internet. ii. Produce a portfolio on various concepts used by the specific authoring t ools. Topic 4.2.4 Web Editor (2 periods)

LO(s) Describe and give examples of web editors: i. text-based and ii. WYSIWYG Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on web editors from printed materials or the Interne t. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4.3 Multimedia Development (24 periods)

Topic 4.3.1 User Interface Principles (2 periods) LO(s) State user interface principles. Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on user interface principles from the Internet. Topic 4.3.1 User Interface Principles (4 periods) LO(s) Apply suitable user interface principles in a project (Ms Powerp oint). Activity(s) <insert here> Topic 4.3.2 Development Team (2 periods) LO(s) State the role of each member in a development team (examples: p roject manager, subject matter expert, instructional designer, graphics artist, audio-video technician and programmer). Activity(s) Group task i. Form a development team, consisting of a project manager and assign memb ers with respective responsibilities based on the module. Topic 4.3.3 Multimedia Production (2 periods) LO(s) Describe the phases in multimedia production: i. analysis, ii. d esign, iii. implementation, iv. testing, v. evaluation and vi. publishing Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on multimedia production phases from printed materia ls or the Internet. Topic 4.3.3 Multimedia Production (14 periods) LO(s) Apply all the phases of multimedia production to produce an inte ractive educational multimedia project (Toolbook Assistant). Activity(s) Group task i. Produce an interactive educational multimedia project based on the modul e. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4.4 Current and Future Developments (4 periods)

Topic 4.4.1 Immersive Multimedia (4 periods) LO(s) Give an example of immersive multimedia in education, busi ness or entertainment. Activity(s) Group task i. Produce a portfolio about the example of immersive multimedia in educati on, business or entertainment.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1 Topic LO(s) Basic Programming Concepts (10 periods)

5.1.1 Define Program and Programming Language (2 periods) State the definition of program. State the definition of programming language. Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on definition of the program and the programming lan guage from printed materials or the Internet. Topic 5.1.2 Levels and Generations Of Programming Languages (2 periods) LO(s) Identify the generations of low-level programming languages with examples. Identify the generations of high-level programming languages wit h examples. Activity(s) Individual task i. Draw a hierarchy chart to classify the generations of each level of prog ramming language. Topic LO(s) 5.1.3 Programming Language Approaches (2 periods) Define structured approach in programming. Define object-oriented approach in programming. Differentiate between structured approach and object-oriente d approach in programming. Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on different programming language approaches from pr inted materials or the Internet. ii. Produce a compare and contrast table on structured approach and objectoriented approach in programming. Topic 5.1.4 Translator (2 periods) LO(s) Describe the translation method of programming using assembler, interpreter and compiler. Activity(s) Individual task i. Write an essay on how the assembler, interpreter and compiler work. Topic LO(s) 5.1.5 Basic Elements In Programming (2 periods) Differentiate between constants and variables. Differentiate between the data types: Boolean, integer, double, string and date. Differentiate between mathematical and logical (Boolean) operato rs. Differentiate between sequence control structure and selection c ontrol structure. Activity(s) Individual task i. Draw a chart or table to illustrate the understanding on constants and v ariables. ii. Draw a chart or table to illustrate the understanding on different data types. iii. Draw a chart or table to illustrate the understanding on the mathematica l and logical (Boolean) operators. iv. Find out a simple flow chart for both structures from printed materials or the internet.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------5.2 Program Development (24 periods)

Topic 5.2.1 Program Development Phases (2 periods) LO(s) Describe the five main phases in program development: i. problem analysis, ii. program design, iii. coding, iv. testing and debugging and v. doc umentation Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on program development phases from printed material s or the Internet. Topic 5.2.2 Develop a program (22 periods) LO(s) Apply program development phases to solve problems. Activity(s) Individual task i. Develop a simple program using Visual Basic based on the module. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------5.3 Current and Future Developments (6 periods)

Topic 5.3.1 Latest Programming Languages (6 periods) LO(s) Find out the latest programming languages: i. fifth generation l anguage, ii. natural language and iii. OpenGL (Graphic Library) Activity(s) Group Task i. Collect information on the latest programming languages from printed mat erials or the Internet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------6.1 Concepts of Information Systems (6 periods) - Adjusted to 8 periods

Topic 6.1.1 Definition and 6.1.2 Usage of Information Systems In Various Fields (2 periods) LO(s) Give the meaning of data, information and information systems. State the usage of Information Systems in education, business an d management. Activity(s) Individual task i. Draw a mind map on data, information and information systems. ii. Collect information on usage of Information Systems in education, busine ss and management from printed materials or the Internet. Topic 6.1.3 Information System Components (2 periods) LO(s) List the Information System components: i. data, ii. hardware, i ii. software, iv. people and v. procedure Define each of the Information System components. Describe the interrelation between information system components using a diagram. Activity(s) Individual task i. Draw a mind map on the five main IS components based on a given scenario . ii. Discuss how data, hardware, software, people and procedure are interrela ted in information system environments. iii. Draw a diagram showing the interrelation between information system comp onents.

Topic 6.1.4 Types of Information Systems (2 periods) LO(s) List five types of Information Systems: i. Management Informatio n System (MIS), ii. Transaction Processing System (TPS), iii. Decision Support S ystem (DSS), iv. Executive Information System (EIS), v. Expert System (ES)/Art ificial Intelligence (AI) State the usage of each type of information system. Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on the five types of IS from printed materials or th e Internet. ii. List and provide examples of the types of information systems. Topic LO(s) 6.1.5 Hierarchy of Data (2 periods) Define bit, byte, field, record, and file State the hierarchy of data: Bit ? Byte (Character) ? Field ? Re cord ? File ? Database Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on bit, byte, field, record, file and database from printed materials or the Internet ii. Draw a diagram to illustrate the hierarchy of data. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------6.2 Topic LO(s) Software (8 periods)

6.2.1 Definition (2 periods) Define database and Database Management Systems (DBMS). List the benefits of using database. Activity(s) Individual task i. Produce a comparison table on database and DBMS. Group task i. Brainstorm and record the findings in a report. Topic 6.2.2 Features (2 periods) LO(s) State the relationship between attribute (field), row (record) a nd relation (file). Define the primary key and foreign key. State the importance of the primary key. Differentiate between the primary key and foreign key. State the importance of relationship between the primary key and foreign key. Activity(s) Individual task i. Show the relationship between attribute, row and relation on a chart or table. ii. Collect information on primary key and foreign key from printed materia ls or the Internet. iii. Draw a simple diagram to show the relationship. Topic 6.2.3 LO(s) , report. s. Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect Database Objects (2 periods) Define the following database objects/ tools: Table, form, query Identify table, query, form and report as database objects/ tool

information on four database objects/ tools from printed materia

ls or the Internet. ii. Identify the four database objects/ tools in Microsoft Access. Topic 6.2.4 Data Manipulation (2 periods) LO(s) List the basic operations of data manipulation: i. Update, ii. I nsert, iii. Delete, iv. Retrieve, v. Sort, vi. Filter and vii. Search State the usage of basic operations in data manipulation. Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on the basic operations of data manipulation from pr inted materials or the Internet. ii. Collect information on the usage of basic operations in data manipulati on from printed materials or the Internet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------6.3 Database Development (22 periods) - Adjusted to 24 periods

Topic 6.3.1 Phases of Systems Development (2 periods) LO(s) Describe the phases of systems development: i. Analysis, ii. Des ign, iii. Implementation, iv. Testing, v. Documentation and vi. Maintenance Activity(s) Individual task i. Collect information on the phases of systems development from printed ma terials or the Internet. Topic LO(s) 6.3.2 Develop A Database Project (4 periods) Identify a project. Identify the project requirements. Activity(s) <insert here> Topic LO(s) 6.3.2 Develop A Database Project (4 periods) Classify project requirements into two tables. Design database tables. Activity(s) <insert here> Topic LO(s) 6.3.2 Develop A Database Project (4 periods) Create a database. Create two tables that include the primary key in each table. Activity(s) Individual task i. Create a database that has 2 tables. Topic LO(s) 6.3.2 Activity(s) Individual task i. Build a Topic LO(s) Develop A Database Project (4 periods) Build a relationship between two tables. Enter data into the table. relationship between two tables created in the previous lesson.

6.3.2 Develop A Database Project (4 periods) Create a form that relates to the table content. a query to retrieve required information with one or more conditions. Activity(s) Individual task i. Create a forms and a query to retrieve required information with one or more conditions from the tables & relationship created in the previous lessons.

Topic LO(s)

6.3.2 Develop A Database Project (4 periods) a report. all the documents from the above phases into a folio. Activity(s) Individual task i. Create a report based from the tables & relationship created in the prev ious lessons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------6.4 Current and Future Developments (4 periods)

Topic 6.4.1 Web-based Application (4 periods) LO(s) Find out current developments in computer information systems. Activity(s) Group task i. Produce a portfolio about current developments in computer information s ystems.

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