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Professional Practice

ADA200 / ADIB200 / ADIBM200

Semester 1 / 2 2010
Prepared by J.C. Grech (29/4/10)

Activity Sheet 5
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Please bring this activity sheet into each of your work shop sessions.

(1) Your Name: ................................................................................................................................

Using the websites listed in Information Sheet 2, answer the following questions.

(2) Which industry body(ies) would be best associated with your chosen career?

(3) Go to one of the listed websites and locate information about types of jobs, careers, educational
requirements and salaries in your chosen profession. Be prepared to present to the class this

(4) Think about your chosen career. List at least 5 companies that you could approach to seek either an
industry practicum or future employment. Why did you choose each of these companies?
Reason: ..........................................................................................................................................
Reason: ..........................................................................................................................................
Reason: ..........................................................................................................................................
Reason: ..........................................................................................................................................
Reason: ..........................................................................................................................................

(5) What strategies would you use to approach these companies for an interview? How would you find
out more about them?

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