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*...**beer*(y)*...**beer*(y)*...**beer*(y)*...**be er*(y)*...**beer*(y)
1 k t yg diuc pk n sembrono, dpt menyeb bk n luk pd org l in...
1 k t yg ker s & k s r dpt membu t kuntum kebenci n...>:O
1 k t yg dilont rk n t np kontrol diri dpt membu t bingung org l in...:/
1 k t yg g sop n & g r m h dpt membu t cint menj di h mb r, b hk n menj di ben
ci...1 k t yg membel diri & g pern h m u dis l hk n, itu merup k n sif t penge
cut & g bij ks n ...>:/
1 k t yg diuc pk n s l h k n membu t org terluk ...:'(
*JM* *JM* *JM* *JM* NAMUN *JM* *JM* *JM* *JM*
1 k t MAAF yg TULUS bis mel hirk n Cint K sih yg mend l m b gi org yg mendeng
rny ...<3
1 k t LEMBUT & TULUS dpt membu t ked m i n b gi org l in...O
1 k t PUJIAN dpt memberi sem ng t b gi yg mendeng rny ...({})
*JM* *JM* *JM* *JM* SO *JM* *JM* *JM* *JM*
1 KATA itu bis menj di KUTUKAN (b gi diri kit sendiri, jg b gi org l in). D n
bis menj di BERKAH (b gi diri kit sendiri & jg b gi org l in)...(*) (*) (*)
Sel m t berk t " penuh CINTA h ri ini..

riendship is like money, e sier m de th n kept

(*) (*) (*) <3 <3 (*) (*) (*)

...., menj g

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riendship is like money, e sier m de th n kept

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Sumber : n-simbol-simbol-unik-unicode.

html i zz26Q1f3J3

Group f ces 1:





(  )

Group f ces 2: .. .. .. .. ..
Group f ces 3: .. .. .. .. ..
F ce 1: _
F ce 2: _
F ce 3: \(_o)/
F ce :

F ce 5:

F ce 6: m(><)m
F ce : o( )o
F ce : //(o)//
F ce 9: {{{(>_<)}}}
Princess Lei St rW rs: @-_-@ .. @-.-@ .. @>.<@
Fish to right: ><((((>
Fish to left: <))))><
Music Bo : lll ((((||=||)))) ll

(O) "de r god "

Equaliz r:

Min- - - - - - - - - - - -M
Pl y. P use
Men with b nner:
............( )
.---oOO-- (_)-----.

Type your mess ge here!..

.......... || ||
....... ooO Ooo
..*) .*)
(. (.` Type your n me here

.....____________________ , ,__
....../ `---___________----_____] - - - - - - - - D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
..../ `------------------------_]
.../_==o ____________________
.....),---.(_(__) /
....// (\) ),-----...//___//
../`----' / ...
./____ / ... .
p nt i ind h k puk:
|    |   l   l*  |     |
kirby d nce:
<('o'<) ^( '-' )^ (>o)> v( . )v <(' .' )> <('.'<) ^( '.' )^ (>.)> v( . )v <(' .' )>
Regul r cig ritte: (__((_____()
Lucky strike cig ritte: (__((__luc ky __ _()
M rlboro cig ritte (__((__  l bo ro  ___()
girl with flower:
_ _
El ctrocardiogram: v^v^
Handyplast: ( :::  ]::: )
pohon n t l:
*./ | \ .*
, '* * ' ,
. '* *'
.. ' *, ' ' ,* '
.' * * * * '
* , Merry' , * '
* ' * * ' * '
' ' Christm s . ' ' '
' ' * * * ' '
..x x
Rabbits nd kittens m de with f cebook symbols:
( ) ( )
(* .*)

::: (\_(\
*: (= :) :*
.. (,()()..
(. .)
o( )o
(> " " <)
( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)(> " " <) (> " " <)
( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)- (,,)-(,,)-...
(> " " <) (> " " <) (> " " <)
( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)--(,,)-(,,)-....
::: (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
*: (=' :') :::::::: F cebook ymbols :::::::::::
.. (,('')('')...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
F cebook symbols for st tus
Type your st tus mess ge
.`. Type your st tus mess ge .`.
...`. Type your st tus mess ge .`...
O Type your st tus mess ge O
.`. Type your st tus mess ge .`.
------(` Type your st tus mess ge here )------
.'.'*~-.-( Type your st tus mess ge )-,.-~*.'.'
( ).*`* () Type your st tus mess ge here () *`*.( )
O.o<*)>>>= Type your st tus mess ge =<<<(*>o.O
<<...`.Type your st tus mess ge here .`...>>
()Type your st tus mess ge ()

-~*''*~ Type your st tus mess ge o ~*''*~.*`* Type your st tus mess ge *`*.
Type your st tus messege
-.`. Type your st tus mess ge .`.-
..` Type your st tus mess ge here `..
f cebook symbols for your st tus
Type your st tus mess ge
Typ your st tus mess ge
,, Type your st tus mess ge ,,`
.*(`)* f cebook symbols for st tus *(`)*
...`.. f cebook symbols for st tus ...`..
(`. _. Type your st tus mess ge ._.)
. .. Symbols f cebook mes ges .. .
**o.O( Type your st tus mess ge )O.o**
-~*''*~ F cebook symbols-emoticons-cool sh pes ~*''*~,.-~*''*~-.-( Type your st tus mess ge )-,.-~*''*~-.
( Type your st tus mess ge ) 
('.( ).')Typ your st tus mess ge (`'.( ).')
(Type your st tus mess ge here )
(((('.() Type your st tus mess ge ().' ))))
<))))><.`.( Type your st tus mess ge ).`.><((((>
- ---^](Your mess ge with f cebook symbols )^--- ~~( Your mess ge with f cebook symbols )~~
._|.<(_)>.|_.( Your mess ge with f cebook symbols )._|.<(_)>.|_.
^v` )(Type your st tus mess ge here )( `v^
,.-~*''*~-.-(_( f cebook symbols for you )_)-,.-~*''*~-.
- - --^( Type your st tus mess ge here )]^-- - .`.(Type your st tus mess ge ) .`.
`..`._.( Type your st tus mess ge here )..`._.
(`._)( Type your st tus mess ge )(`._)
'*~-.,.-~*'( Type your st tus mess ge )'*~-.,.-~*'
(`._.( Type your st tus mess ge here )]._.)
o.O( Type your st tus mess ge )O.o
.`)( Type your st tus mess ge )(`.
O( Type your st tus mess ge )O
( f cebook symbols for your st tus mess ge ) 
.->( Type your st tus mess ge here )<-`.
.. |..<(_(Type your st tus mess ge )_>..|..
-==-( Type your st tus mess ge heres )-==o.O(Typ your st tus mess ge )O.o
(-(Typ your st tus mess ge )-)
()(Typ your st tus mess ge here )(`)
(` ( Type your st tus mess ge )] )
-(`v)-( f cebook symbols for st tus )-(`v)-
l||l( Type your st tus mess ge )l||l
*(`()(( your st tus mess ge with f cebook symbols ))())*
([*( fType your st tus mess ge)*])
.)([( Type your st tus mess ge here )])(` .
( Type your st tus mess ge )
+*^*+( f cebook-emoticons-Type your st tus mess ge )*^*
([( Type your f cebook symbols )])
( Type your st tus mess ge )
!(f cebook-emoticons-Type your st tus mess ge )]!
,,`,( Type your st tus mess ge here ),,`,
,-*'^'~*-.,_,.-*~ your st tus mess ge with f cebook symbols ~*-.,_,.-*~'^'*-,
.(_.(_.(_ Type your st tus mess ge )`._)`._)`.
 Type your st tus mess ge here 
|||_||_( Type your st tus mess ge )_||_|||

Sumber : n-simbol-simbol-unik-unicode.

html i zz26Q1pg2mS

(O) "de r god "


Min- - - - - - - - - - - -M
Pl y. P use
B sic f cebook symbol
= Music l note
= Big music l note
= Bl ck he rt
= Smile f ce
= Bl ck smile f ce
t u......
Berikut d l h d ft r lengk p simbol-simbol Unicode y ng digun k n untuk upd te
st tus t u komen f cebook. Sob t d p t meny lin d n menyisipk n ini untuk digu
n k n d l m pes n Sob t t u di m n s j y ng Sob t ingink n!

! "
# $ %  & ' (
) * + , - 
2 3 4  5 6

- /  v  = =

/ 0  1
  7 8 9 : ;


 _ `

Nikmati simbol untuk f cebook! y ng lu r bi s !
Speci l nd r re Unicode symbols.
Speci l f ce:
Chess bl ck :

Chess White:

H nds pointing



Music f cebook symbols

Stars nd snowfl ke f cebook symbols

Snowm n
Moon symbols

We ther

Poker bl ck:
Poker White:
Miscell neous


Religion & belief f cebook symbols

Risk r dio ctive nd biologic l


Writing Symbols

Butterfly f cebook symbol: 

Decor tive symbols:
Numeric f cebook symbols:


you c n write your own words, for e mple:!!

F cebook symbols =
Orient l symbols:

NEW: Chinese Symbols for f cebook:


Sumber : n-simbol-simbol-unik-unicode.

html i zz26Q1vpBM=

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