FM 31-70 Basic Cold Weather Survival Manual

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FM 31-70 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FIELD MANUAL BASIC COLD WEATHER MANUAL @ HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FAG seria +EM 31-70 Pip Manual) HEADQUARTERS { DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 31-70 } WASKINGTON, D.C., £2 April 1963 BASIC COLD WEATHER MANUAL cnartex 1, INTRODUCTION 3 2, INDIVIDUAL CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT Section I. General. 5 TL Clothing 6 16 MI. Equipment carrer 3. SMALL UNIT LIVING Section I, General es S132 TI, Tentage and other equipment aa 32 TIT, Improvised shelters sas 23 IV. Food and water sata 35 V, Hygiene and first aid pas 6 ‘VIL Bivouae routine S453-58 50 Cuarrs 4, SKIING AND SNOWSHOEING Section T. u. a 1. 82 IV. Military snowshoeing st VY. Application of ski and snowshoe 95 cuarrer 5. MOVEMENT Section I. Problems affecting movement 104 TL Foot movement 10s IL Trailbreaking 108 TV. Land navigation 3 V. Action when lost -. ne VE Mechanized aid to movement 5 Vit, Sleds 9 VIL Aireraft m1 Cuarer 6 COMBAT TECHNIQUES Section [The individual and northern warfare UL. Individual weapons and instruments HIE Fire and movement IV. Fighting techniques V. Camouflage and conceaiment VE. Mines and obstacles =... 18528 ome Cuapren 7, SMALL UNIT LEADERS Section {. General TE, Peculiar problems of leaders rare as Tat 49 “This mer suparades FHL 31-70, 24 Fabroary 1957, inducing ol changes, 00 se88, 1 Apres AL REFERENCES _ : GROUND-AIR EMERGENCY CODE FOR USE IN alR,LAND RESCUE SBARCH SKI DRILL : EFFECTS OF COLD WEATHER ON WEAPONS WEIGHTS OF COLD WEATHER CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT AND TYPE LOAD ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS COLD WEATHER HINTS MEASUREMENT CONVERSION FACTORS — 11 154 187 165 110 v2 wt 101 wr 194

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