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Ariel Moody 2/13/13, 2/15/13, 2/18/13 Personal Care

Core Standard 1: Oral

Rate: 2 Swallows pureed or lumpy food On 2/18/13 during afternoon snack Adriana fed herself yogurt with a spoon. She closed her lips and swallowed the food. When Adriana got yogurt on her lips and mouth she was unable to use her tongue to remove it. Next steps: For Adriana to extend her tongue from her mouth and to sweep her tongue around her lips.

Core Standard 2: Self-Feeding

Rate: 3 Feeds self On 2/18/13 during afternoon snack Adriana used a spoon to feed herself yogurt. She used both hands to hold her cup and drink from it. With assistance from a teacher, Adriana served herself more yogurt from a container to her bowl. Next step: For Adriana to drink from an open cup and serve herself food from a container to her bowl on her own.

Core Standard 3: Dressing/Undressing

Rate: 2 Assists in dressing/undressing On 2/18/13 while preparing to go outside Adriana put her coat on and a teacher fastened it. She put her boots on by herself and a teacher zipped them. After being outside, a teacher unfastened Adrianas coat and she took it off herself. Next step: For Adriana to fasten and unfasten her own coat and zip up her boots or coat.

Core Standard 4: Care of hands, face, nose

Rate: 2 Assists in personal care routines On 2/18/13 while Adriana was washing her hands, she reached for the soap, washed the tops and inside of her hands, and rinsed them in the water. Then she reached for a paper towel and dried the top and inside of her hands but the teacher helped her completely dry them. Next step: For Adriana to completely dry her hands on her own and practice using tissue to clean nose.

Core Standard 5: Toileting

Rate: 1 Participates in toileting On 2/18/13 Adriana was walking up the stairs on the climber when a teacher asked her to come get her diaper changed. Adriana complied with the request and the teacher picked her up and placed her on the changing table. Adriana cooperated with the teacher during her diaper change and washed her hands when finished. Next step: For Adriana to recognize and communicate with a teacher that her diaper is soiled.

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