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Holden Sumner English 1102 Carrie Sippy 3/16/13 Annotated Bibliography Bissler, Denise L. , and Joan L. Conners.

The Harms of Crime Media essays on the Perpetuation of Racism, Sexism and Class Stereotypes. Jefferson, Oregon: McFarland & Company Inc., 2012. Print.

This source is all about the potential harms of crime media. There are examples of female assault victims, school shooting media, and many other topics that deal with guns. Many of the ideas in this book are not related to guns but any kind of violence that media portrays. The author is showing how the media depicts and portrays the crimes. The media may have a positive or more negative effect on the already negative gun crime. The reason I am using this book is for the chapter that talks about school shooting media discourse. This is directly related to my topic because I am researching gun control and school violence. I would have never thought to think about how the media may have a negative effect on the already horrible crimes. For example, when the Connecticut school shooting happened it was all over the media and it put added stress on the family members. This could have caused more violence. The author shows how emotions lead to many crimes. I definitely agree with the author that the media could make a situation of assault or shooting worse. I still would like to know what she thinks should be done to fix these violent crimes because the media is not responsible for the crime. I will position

myself as of now without doing a lot of reading at a mutual stand point because I do think media has effect but I am not sure exactly how much.

Evans, Karen. Crime Prevention Critical Introduction. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2011. Print.

I chose to gather information from this book because it talks about how to prevent crimes without taking away guns completely. Also this is the only book out of the ones I have researched that talks about a different countrys take on gun control. To stop crime the United Kingdom completely outlawed guns; therefore, The gun violence diminished to almost nothing but because of this knife violence rates came up. This just goes to show how taking away one option criminals will find another. I do not agree with the author because chapters one and four both have sections where she states that it is okay to take away some gun rights. My personal belief is Americans should have the right to own any gun they desire with the right paperwork. It is stated in the second amendment so I believe that should be followed. Having said that she does bring up some very helpful ideas about how to make guns use safer for those who may be inexperienced, like children or people who are uncomfortable with guns. This is a respectable area that I will cover in my research because it is important to make sure everyone gets something they want.

Lester, David. Gun Control Issues and Answers. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1984. Print.

This book very strictly talks about gun laws and the role of guns in violent crimes and

accidental deaths. There is a lot of conversation about what is to be done to lower the crime rate. He even goes into a chapter where he talks about guns in suicide which is a very controversial topic. This book will be used very frequently in my work because every chapter has an important topic that I can pull information from. An example of information I will be using is in the final chapters he goes over proposals for and against gun control and this is a big issue that I would like to solve. The author is spot on in how he describes the ways we can prevent gun violence and he explains it in a much nonbiased manner. He uses examples of real people and how the guns do not need to be taken away and that the people need to be the focus. The role of guns in accidental deaths is an idea that I have not thought of but I will research why these accidents happen. I agree with the topic I have read in the book because most of his information is facts. For example, he uses statistics to show the number of school shootings in America. I will compare this text to more recent text because this book was printed in 1984. Neligan, Jeff. Gun Control: Opportunities to Close Loopholes in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System Closing Loopholes in NCIS July 2002: 1-72. Print

This is a journal that has multiple letters from high ranking government officials. They are all about the possibility of finding a way to close the loopholes in the criminal background check. Many problems could be solved if the criminals had fewer opportunities to have access to guns. It is impossible to keep illegal items off the street but there is a way to make it harder and easier to track. When someone goes to buy a gun at a gun shop or Wal-Mart or any retail place there is a background check to make sure the person buying the gun is not a criminal. These letters say ways of how the checks

could be more thorough. In places as gun shows people do not go through background checks to buy a gun so this example is a very strong loophole in the system that if is shut down could make it harder for a criminal to receive a gun. I agree with the majority of the letters because they want to keep it to where the average citizen can own a gun. I do believe if they wanted to be appealing to more audiences they could have talked about all sides instead of being very biased on just one issue. The way they use letters from government officials give the reader the opinions of the government on all sides of gun control. Shafii, Mohammad, and Sharon Lee Shafii. School Violence: Assessment, Management, Prevention. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2001. Print

Unlike the book by Lester this book is strictly about the school violence side of guns. It goes through how to make sense of school violence and why it is done then throughout the book the author begins to come up with solutions to the violence or what he calls treatment. The author tries to narrow down a direct cause of school violence using facts and his own opinions. This source will be very helpful in my work because it gives an abundance of information that I was looking for related to school violence. The author does not talk about the topic of gun control he tries to find a solution without taking away the guns. I agree with this solution. I would like to know a little further of why he thinks the violence programs for children would work better than just taking away the opportunity to buy guns. In relation to the text I would position myself very closely related for the simple fact I believe there is better solutions to end gun violence than just taking the guns away. If you take away a drug from a drug addict he or she will still get

the drug but if he or she is treated the problem is solved. I think this is the right way to go about this current situation.

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