Week 9 LP Alex

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English For All CLASS NAME: Beginner DATE: March 28, 2013 Teacher(s): Alex Lilly Lesson Objectives

SWBAT use vocabulary for discussing leisure time to tell a friend what activities they like to do in their free time. SWBAT identify what activities a friend likes to do in his/her free time by recognizing leisure time vocabulary in a conversation. SWBAT talk about past events with a friend by asking and answering simple past Wh-questions.


Interchange textbook copies of handouts from textbook audio PowerPoint


1. Unit 7 Ex. 1: Snapshot, In Their Free Time (Allotted time: 20 minutes; 6:00pm - 6:20pm) Objective: SWBAT learn vocabulary for discussing leisure activities and identify which activities they enjoy doing in their free time by marking them on their handouts. Pre-Activity T will elicit or explain the meaning of free time T will write a model sentence structure on the board (In my free time, I like to __________) T will ask Ss what they like to do in their free time and prompt them to respond using the model sentence structure T will show a PowerPoint explaining the meaning of all eight leisure-time activities) listed in the lesson T will explain that these are the Top 8, or most popular leisure-time activities in the US While-Activity T will explain the three tasks Ss will complete the tasks individually Post-Activity T will elicit Ss responses, encouraging them to use the model sentence structure to talk about their answers T will write responses on the blackboard and as Ss Whquestions about each others interests

Evaluation: Ss will be evaluated by their ability to use the taught leisure time vocabulary to identify which leisure time activities they enjoy doing in their free time. TRANSITION: 2. Unit 7 Ex. 2: Conversation, Did you do anything special? (Allotted time: 25 minutes; 6:20pm - 6:45pm) Objective: SWBAT identify the simple past tense used in the audio and use it to talk about weekend activities with the teacher and the class. Pre-Activity T will set the scene: Rick and Meg are talking about their weekends T will ask Ss what they think Rick and Meg did over the weekend, explaining or eliciting the vocabulary (karaoke, studied Spanish) T will write these focus questions on the board: What did Meg do on Saturday? What did Rick do? and encourage Ss to listen for the answers While-Activity T will play the audio program while Ss listen (twice if necessary) T will elicit answers from Ss (Answers: Meg went to a karaoke bar and sang with some friends, Rick stayed home all weekend and studied for the Spanish test) Ss will practice the conversation in pairs Post-Activity T will ask Ss what THEY did over the weekend (they will likely be unable to answer using the simple past, giving way for a smooth transition into the simple past tense grammar activity) T will correct each student as he/she responds to the question (if S says I go to the store, T will correct with You went to the store.) T will write Ss responses on the blackboard and have Ss tell the class what each other did over the weekend

Evaluation: Ss will be evaluated by their ability to identify the simple past in the audio, answer focus questions about the audio conversation and produce a level-appropriate response to questions about what they did over the weekend (e.g. I go to the store instead of I went to the store). ----------------------- 5 minute break (6:45-6:50) ---------------------TRANSITION:

3. Unit 6 Ex. 3: Grammar Focus (Simple past tense) (Allotted time: 30 minutes; 6:50pm - 7:20pm)
Objective: SWBAT differentiate between regular and irregular verbs in the simple past, and use model sentence structures to practice asking and answering simple past questions with do with a partner.

Pre-Activity T will focus Ss attention back to the conversation in Unit 7 Ex. 2 on page 44 of their handouts T will ask Ss to find three questions with did (write on board) T will elicit responses from Ss and write them on the board as Ss read them aloud T will point out the questions in the Grammar Focus box and elicit the rules for forming yes/no and Wh-questions in the simple past (listed in teachers manual, Ex. 3 on page 45) T will elicit more examples and write them on the board T will play the audio program and have Ss repeat the questions and responses T will point out the regular and irregular verbs to the right of Part A T will draw the verb chart (shown on page 45 of teacher manual) on the board T will focus Ss attention back to the conversation on page 44 T will ask Ss to find the simple past forms of stay and study (Answers: stayed, studied)

T will as Ss to write them on the board in Regular column of the verb chart T will ask Ss to find and circle the simple past of sing and forget (Answers: sang, forgot) T will ask a different S to write the answers in the Irregular column T will show Ss the handout of the appendix at the back of the book and explain that they may use it as needed While-Activity T will explain the task and model the first conversation with a strong S, then with a different S Ss will complete the task in pairs (answers on p. 45 of teacher manual) Ss will practice the conversation in pairs Post-Activity T will write model sentence structures on the board: Did you ______ on Saturday/over the weekend? and Yes, I did. or No, I didnt. I ______. T will model the exercise with each student T will ask Ss to pay attention to his/her partners responses and prepare to re-tell them to the rest of the class Ss will use the model sentence structures to talk about what they did over the weekend in pairs Ss will tell the rest of the class what his/her partner did over the weekend
Evaluation: Ss will be evaluated by their ability to use the model

sentence structures to talk about their own lives (and what they did over the weekend) with a friend.


TWBAT evaluate Ss understanding of leisure time vocabulary by monitoring Ss ability to identify which activities they do and do not enjoy based on which activities they mark as pleasurable on their handouts. TWBAT evaluate Ss ability to recognize the simple past in conversation by asking Ss what they did over the weekend and eliciting a response (even if the response uses the wrong tense or is otherwise grammatically incorrect).

TWBAT evaluate Ss ability to ask and answer questions in the simple past by how well/correctly Ss use model sentence structures to talk about their own lives with a friend.
Anticipated Problems

I do not anticipate any trouble with the first and second activities. Since Ss tend to struggle somewhat with the introduction of new grammar concepts, however, I am a bit nervous for the third activity. I have allotted more time to the third activity than the first and second for this reason. I want to be sure that we have enough time to get through the activity in its entirety and that the Ss leave the class with a good, basic understanding of what the simple past tense is and how to properly use it in context.

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