Reading Mini Lesson-3-7-13 Final

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Jason Resnick March 7, 2013 Lesson Plan: Reading Mini-Lesson

Grade : 5

Time: 25 minutes

Standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.5 Explain how a series of chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits together to provide the overall structure of a particular story, drama, or poem.

Objective: Students will be able to complete a story chart about the book Teammates and a story chart for their own independent reading book. Materials: Teammates by Peter Golenbock Chart paper labeled, Story Chart Marker for chart paper Pencils Paper on which the students can complete their own story chart for their own independent reading book.

Lesson Sequence: 1. Lesson Introduction (Engagement) Boys and girls, do you remember the book I read during the Interactive Read-Aloud yesterday? Yes, you are correct the name of the book was Teammates by Peter Golenbock. Do you remember the order of the book, the challenges that Jackie faced, and how courageous he was and worked through his challenges? Do you remember the problems that Jackie was confronted with and how at the end of the book the problems were lessened?

2. State Objective and Purpose Today readers we are going to review what a story chart is and complete one on the book Teammates. We will trace Jackies challenges that he faced throughout the story. We will then identify where Jackie begins to face his problems, how the conflicts develop, what the turning point is of the challenges, and how Jackies problems will be lessened by the end of the story.

3. Teach and Model Have chart paper ready with heading, Story Chart.

On the chart paper, I will draw a shape that looks like a partial triangle or a mountain that is big enough to be seen by all the students. I will then write the word Exposition on the bottom left of the partial triangle, place several bullet points on the left side of the partial triangle, and next to the bullet points I will write the word Rising Action." I will then print on the top of the partial triangle the word Climax," then in the middle of the right side of the partial triangle I will write the words Falling Action and last but not least on the bottom right side of the partial triangle I will place the word Resolution. Class, does anyone know another name for a story chart? I will call on a volunteer who raises their hand. Yes, you are correct another name for a story chart is a plot diagram. We will now discuss the words on the story chart and what they mean. I will say the word and call on children who raise their hand. If the first child whom I call on doesnt know the answer, I will continue to call on children until the question is answered correctly. Does anyone know another term for the word Exposition? Yes, that is correct an interchangeable word for the word Exposition is problem. The Exposition occurs in the beginning of the book and is where we first hear about the main conflict in the book. What about Rising Action what does that mean? Yes, Rising Action is the part of the story where the conflict develops. Class does anyone know what the word on the top of the chart or mountain means, Climax." Yes, that is where the character changes somehow and the turning point of the story. Anyone know what Falling Action is? Yes, that is correct, that is the place in the story where all the loose ends of the plot come together. The last word on the chart is Resolution," what does that mean? Yes, you are right, that is where the story ends in a reasonable way. Great job, boys and girls, you did a fantastic job explaining what a story chart is. Boys and girls, when reading this book, we saw that Jackie faced challenges in his life because of his skin color, using the story chart we will chart out the path that Jackie took from aspiring to be a Major League baseball player to actually becoming a Major League baseball player.

4. Guided Practice Lets now discuss as a group what you remember about Jackies challenges and the sequencing of them throughout the story as we model the story chart. As a group, we will discuss the five categories on the story chart, and the events that we feel should be placed next to each category some ideas that the children might come up with could be the following based on the book Teammates: Exposition: Jackie Robinson is a ball player who is good enough to be in the Major Leagues but cant because of his skin color. Rising Action: Branch Rickey, the General Manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, wanted the best players on his baseball team and didnt care what skin color they were.

Climax: Branch Rickey hired Jackie Robinson to play on his Major League Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team; it was known as The Great Experiment. Falling Action: Since Jackie was an African American player on the Brooklyn Dodgers Major League baseball team people were cruel to him, tried to hurt him and threatened him. Resolution: During a game in Cincinnati, near "Pee Wees" hometown, "Pee Wee" is a teammate of Jackies, the fans were yelling at Jackie, and "Pee Wee" took a stand and walked over to Jackie on first base, smiled at him and placed his arm around his shoulders.

5. Independent Practice/Assessment Great job boys and girls, now I will ask you to go back to your desks and take out an independent reading book that you have finished reading. After you take your book out, please draw your own story chart like I did on the chart paper. I will then ask you to start reviewing your independent reading book and just like we did as a class, I want you to create a story chart based on your independent reading book. I will assess the students based on how they answered questions during the group meeting and how they completed their individual story chart.

6. Closure Boys and girls as I was walking around the classroom, I saw that you were all doing a good job on your story charts. We will continue to practice using story charts on some of your upcoming independent reading books. Just to summarize, a story chart shows how a character in your book has a problem, the problem increases, then it is lessened or overcome and ends with a solution that is beneficial to the character. Just like in the story we read yesterday Jackie started with the problem of not being able to play in the Major Leagues, and then he was able to play in the Major Leagues alongside white players, and one of the white players even took a stand and became a friend and a loyal teammate. 7. How will you know if the lesson has been successful? I will be able to determine if the lesson was successful if the students were able to identify the main characters challenges, showed how the main character transformed throughout the book to overcome their challenges, and by how they completed their individual story charts based on their independent reading books.

8. Differentiation To differentiate the lesson I will ask various levels of questions that will help the students recall what we have read, so that all the students will be able to participate in the discussion. Another way the lesson will be differentiated is each child will choose their own independent reading book, which will be based on their own reading level. I will

also be circulating around the classroom while the children are working independently to assist children who need help.

Story Chart

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