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Dramatic Monolgue River God One continuous stanza to represent the constant flowing of a river

Written in iambic pentameter and rhyming couplets Both have one, clear distinct voice

My Last Duchess

Regular Rhyme scheme a-a-b-b, however it changes at the end suggests that despite the river appearing to act as expected it can, at any time, change, luring you into a false sense of security
Length lines vary and this could be to make the structure look as though it is mimicking a river

irregularity and variation in the use of punctuation mimicking an unrehearsed conversation, despite being a specch We can tell its a speech due to the use of rehearsed rhyming couplet and iambic pentameter
Lots of personal pronouns shows the protagonists high opinion of himself and his selfishness also his jealous and possessive tendencies

Both Have a love interest which we later find out is dead The characters appear friendly or harmless, but as the poem progreses, we discover a darker, menacing aspect to their personalities

On occasions, the poems seems quite childlike, Both poems are about power, and the due to the simple rhyme scheme and consequences of loss of it river god if His paranoia about his wife express his inconsistent beats per line this also gives the she leaves I will not forgive her, MLD she insecurities, despite the wealth and fortune reader a false sense of security that the was killed he has. protagonist is harmless, and this directly contrasts with the language used The hi-yih gives the poem a harmless Despite the due criticizing his wife, ironically we impression of a almost folk song like sound feel sympathetic towards her and dislike the duke contrast

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