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Aluno :_____________________________________Turma 701 Disciplina: Ingls Professora: Isis Data: 06/05/2011

Simple Present
I walk You walk He walkS She walkS It walkS We walk They walk Usa - se o simple presente para expressar: A) aes habituais Ex:. I always LISTEN to the radio.

B) Verdades universais Ex:. Birds FLY

Na terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it) acrescentamos a letra S ao final do verbo: Ex:. I always LISTEN to the radio. He always LISTENS to the radio. Advrbios de tempo empregados com o SIMPLE PRESENT: Every + day, mouth, year, Saturday. Once a week, mouth, year Twice a week, mouth, year Three times a day, mouth, year On + dia da semana At + hora do dia In + parte do dia Always, often, usually, frequently, sometimes, never. O verbo to have no simple present ser conjugado da seguinte forma: Para I, You, We e They. HAVE Para He, She e It. HAS As formas Negativas e interrogativas do simple present so feitas com o verbo auxiliar DO para I, You, We e They e DOES para He, She e It AFIRMATIVA They study. He works. NEGATIVA They do not study. He does not work. does not doesnt INTERROGATIVA Do they study? Does He work?

Formas abreviadas: do not dont

IMPORTANTE: O verbo na terceira pessoa do singular quando passam para a forma negativa ou interrogativa, ele perde o S

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