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(Use the bulleted information provided to write your lesson plan. Replace the bulleted text in each section below with your text. Your text should be written in complete sentences, so be sure the bullets are deleted also. Numbers in parentheses show the point value for each section of the lesson. Please do not change/delete any of the information in the left-hand column. You may delete these instructions on each lesson plan.)

Name: Sarah Edison Lesson #: Lesson Title: Weather

Grade Level/Subject: Kindergarten/Science Topic: Weather & the four seasons NCES/CCSS Standard and Objective (1) Revised Blooms level of thinking/type of knowledge (1) Behavioral Objective (2) K.E.1.1 Infer that change is something that happens to many things in the environment based on observations made using one or more of their senses. K.E.1.2 Summarize daily weather conditions noting changes that occur from day to day and throughout the year. K.E.1.3 Compare weather patterns that occur from season to season. Describe the four seasons

The students will create a week-long log of the weather, including pictures and a brief description of three sentences. Objective Rationale (1) Learning the weather provides a basis for any study on weather in the future and it relates to everyday life. Prerequisite Knowledge and Before this lesson, students should know what rain, clouds and the Skills (1) sun are. They should have gone outside and felt the rain on their skin and heard thunder, as well as seen lightning. Key Terms and Vocabulary Winter, Fall, Spring, Summer, Clouds, Sun, Thunder, Lightning, (1) Rain, Snow, Hail, Precipitation, Sleet Content and Strategies Instructional Strategies Focus/Review (prepares The teacher should ask the students to describe Reading a book, Involving the students for the lesson) (2) all kinds of weather they have witnessed. students in a The teacher will read, Thunder-Boomer to discussion, engage the students in the subject. Explaining key The teacher will ask the students to describe a terms storm they have been in. Today, we will learn about the weather and the four seasons. By the end Objective as stated for of the lesson, you will be able to tell me all of the seasons and what the students (helps students set their own goals for the lesson) weather looks like outside. (1) Listening, Teacher Input (provides the Ask the students if they understand and the explaining, content to students in a students will respond by giving thumbs up or questioning teacher-directed manner) (3) thumbs down. In a class discussion, ask students questions to see who understands the topic. Explain the process of rain, snow, hail, etc. Explain the importance of rain. If the students are struggling with the topic, the
Revised for spring, 2012

Guided Practice (scaffolded practice with the content; helps students make sense of the content provided in Teacher Input) (3) Independent Practice (application activities to help students use and demonstrate what they have learned) (2) Closure (provides a wrap-up for the lesson) (1)

teacher will provide more pictures and videos. In a class discussion, have a student describe their favorite weather and as a class, guess the season that could provide that kind of weather. Answer questions the students have

Listening, explaining, questioning, assessing

Have the students draw a picture of what kind of weather is their favorite and describe it using vocabulary words Walk around the room, answering questions and asking questions as well Have a couple of students share their artwork and let other students ask questions about it, while the artist answers the questions

Evaluation (How will you assess students learning so that you can determine if they met the objective of the lesson?) (2)

Formative: Have the students complete a worksheet on the weather Have the students complete a one-on-one discussion with a partner Summative The teacher will keep their own log of the daily weather to make sure the students have drawn the same weather. The teacher will take up the students artwork of their favorite weather and assess them based on their descriptions and pictures. If the log book of the daily weather and the students artwork match up correctly, then they have mastered the subject. The teacher will have the struggling student only wrote one sentence describing the weather from their logbook. The teacher will have the gifted student create a logbook of the weather during the day, and then at night. Students may also use the computer to play the jigsaw game on sun and heat. Crayons Pencils Paper Worksheets Quizzes Thunder-Boomer by Shutta Crum Jigsaw puzzle game online: Learning how to navigate the mouse and turn the volume up and down. This whole lesson is on global awareness, as weather applies to everyday life. The teacher will explain weather that children may not have witnessed, such as tsunamis and typhoons.
Revised for spring, 2012

Plans for Individual Differences (differentiations needed for students) (1)

Materials used in the lesson; Resources used in developing the lesson (1)

21st Century Skills (must be in three lessons) Global Awareness (must be in two lessons) Culturally Responsive Teaching (must be in three lessons)

Revised for spring, 2012

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