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My name is Nixon Fuenzalida; I did my VISE at San Judas Tadeo’s school

which is in San Juan De Dios’s Hill in Valparaiso. It is a school that admits boys and
girls specially those who have a social risk. My VISE was devolved with 6th and 7th
grade with groups of twenty and eighteen students.

The first class I was pretty nervous about what I was going to do since I wasn’t
introduced by someone from the university, so I asked to the teacher what I had to do,
luckily for me the teacher knew everything I had to do.

Many of the kids didn’t show the type of manners that the teacher expected
during the classes, most of the time they were talking and playing around without any
concern to the teacher. But this was not only during the English time; these actions were
regular with all teachers in the school. So the teacher had been accepted this behavior as
something normal. Kids were open and very interested to learn when they wanted to but
at the same time, they were more interested in playing and talking about soccer (in the
case of boys) and fashion (in the case of girls). Therefore it was challenge for me,
Miguel (My classmate) and for the teacher: First to keep them interested and busy in the
topic that we were teaching about and to teach them some basic rules of behavior and
respect among classmates. How can we approach the goal? Was it too ambitious? That’s
why Miguel and I started to get closer with the students and to teach them in a more
individual way trying to put the attention that they required. At the end of the term
the mission was not accomplished at all, it was too ambitious because of the time that
we spend with them was too short, but it was what we expected as the time was passing

I really enjoyed the time I spent in that school, I hope the new experiences on
VISE II would be as good (or even better) as I hope.

Nixon Fuenzalida Gonzalez

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