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CHILD STUDY CENTER CURRICULUM PLAN: Infant/ToddlerSpring 2013 WEEK Week 12 SENSORIMOTOR/DRAMATIC PLAY For sensorimotor, the children

will be able to roll and tumble over the balance beam just like in Jack and Jill. For dramatic play, there will be a box decorated as a well with blue blankets and blue streamers in it to represent water. There will also be buckets around it so the children can scoop up the streamers and pretend play the rhyme Jack and Jill.
Indiana Foundations SC.1.68 Enjoy simple pretend play. SE.1.91 Express self through dramatic play.

SPECIAL FOCUS/THEME Jack and Jill DISCOVERY TABLE There will be water in the discovery table all week along with mini pails so the children can experiment with filling and dumping activities.

CLASSROOM Triangle Classroom SCIENCE/MATH On the science table, there will be five mini pails with pictures in front of them. The pictures will have the number of poms, the color, and the size that are to be placed in the pail. This will help the children with counting and identifying attributes of objects.

Indiana Foundations SC.1.47 Enjoy filling and dumping activities. SE.2.51 Work and play cooperatively with others.

Indiana Foundations SC.1.80 Explore objects with various properties (e.g., color, sound, texture, shape). FA.1.83 Sort objects by texture, size, or color.


Planning teacher: Miss Laughlin

MONDAY The children will create their own pails like in the rhyme Jack and Jill. They will use cups, pipe cleaners, stickers, and crayons.

TUESDAY Cause & Effect Art: The children will paint on their own piece of paper using house paint brushes, multiple paint brushes bundled together with tape, and paint brushes taped together at the ends to make a long paint brush.
SE.5.157 Show individuality in artwork. SE.1.96 Learn to enjoy and respect the art work of others.

WEDNESDAY Sequence Art: The children will paint on one section of a long piece of butcher paper using different shades of blue and green water color paint.

THURSDAY Sequence Art: The children will paint on the middle section of the butcher paper using their hands and different shades of blue and green tempera paint.

FRIDAY Sequence Art: The children will paint on the last section of the butcher paper using a colored shaving cream and glue mixture with shades of blue and green tint.

Indiana Foundations

SE.5.157 Show individuality in artwork. FA.1.69 Use a variety of materials (e.g., crayons, paint, clay, markers) to create original art.

SE.5.144 Work together as a team toward a common goal. SE.5.157 Show individuality in artwork.

SE.5.144 Work together as a team toward a common goal. FA.1.50 Delight in touch and feel of materials rather than what is produced.

SE.5.144 Work together as a team toward a common goal. FA.1.50 Delight in touch and feel of materials rather than what is produced.

Planning teacher: Miss Laughlin

The children will be taken to the sandbox so they can dig in the sand using shovels and buckets. This will require using different motor skills such as digging, bending down, etc.

The children will gather around the parachute and work as a team to lift it up in the air using their arms and then bring it back to the ground by bending down.

The children will be taken over to the preschool to climb up the hill and roll down it just like in the rhyme Jack and Jill. This activity will use their large gross motor muscles.

The children will be taken over to the preschool to climb up the hill and roll down it just like in the rhyme Jack and Jill. This activity will use their large gross motor muscles.

The children will be taken on a walk to find things to put in their pails that they made in art on Monday. This activity will use motor skills such as walking, bending down, and picking up.

Indiana Foundations

SC.1.47 Enjoy filling and dumping activities. PC.5.9 Follow rules for simple games and activities.

PC.5.9 Follow rules for simple games and activities. PC.5.8 Apply movement concepts to specific movement situations (e.g., bend knees to soften the landing and avoid obstacles in the path).

P.3.8 Repeat actions and gain strength. P.3.12 Perform locomotor and nonlocomotor skills at a basic level (e.g., marching, walking, running, hopping, kicking, crawling, jumping forward with feet together, sliding, stretching, climbing, and walking in a line one behind the other).

P.3.8 Repeat actions and gain strength. P.3.12 Perform locomotor and nonlocomotor skills at a basic level (e.g., marching, walking, running, hopping, kicking, crawling, jumping forward with feet together, sliding, stretching, climbing, and walking in a line one behind the other).

P.4.1 Reaches for, grasps and releases objects. P.5.1 Grasps small objects.

Planning teacher: Miss Laughlin

We will recite the rhyme Jack and Jill and then read the books Beach Day by Karen Roosa in the morning and Gossie and Gertie by Oliver Dunrea in the afternoon.

We will recite the rhyme Jack and Jill and then read the books Teeth, Tails, and Tentacles by Christopher Wormell in the morning and Counting with Wayne Thiebaud by Susan Goldman Rubin in the afternoon.
SE.6.23 Jointly attend to pictures and books for several minutes. ELA.8.44 Recite/sing one rhyme or song.

We will recite the rhyme Jack and Jill and then read the books Jacks House by Karen Magnuson Beil in the morning and Chicka Chicka ABC by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault in the afternoon.

We will recite the rhyme Jack and Jill and then read different books with different rhymes that we have been learning this semester in the morning and then a book I made in the afternoon.

We will recite the rhyme Jack and Jill and then read the books Brown Bear, Brown Bear. What do you see? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle in the morning and Polar Bear, Polar Bear. What do you hear? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle in the afternoon.
SE.6.23 Jointly attend to pictures and books for several minutes. ELA.8.44 Recite/sing one rhyme or song.

Indiana Foundations

SE.6.23 Jointly attend to pictures and books for several minutes. ELA.8.44 Recite/sing one rhyme or song.

SE.6.23 Jointly attend to pictures and books for several minutes. ELA.8.44 Recite/sing one rhyme or song.

SE.6.23 Jointly attend to pictures and books for several minutes. ELA.8.44 Recite/sing one rhyme or song.

*Other: Each family will get a copy of the book I make to keep so they can read it with their children to recite the Jack and Jill rhyme. Items to be rotated or have special set up: ART CENTER



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