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Andee Presley Deparest of Mathematik’ Calee The Sean, London WC2R 215, 0K — ee epee eam ee ceeeaereeemenes eee Springer Undergraduate Mathemats Sei 15S 168-2085 5B 1852381526 Springer Vera London Bein Hedberg NStprrordet ae eenlaiesmeBOABLay Lefont Ree, raga ‘ice se ome Ade Pee feet en S589) eee gr fun ay i pan ra Fp Fi nm ali tsi Srey ra tino pengu opan in Sens ik eae aes wees as Spies oni cern wor ee oe snot eee at mc nese gt Ons a pasa et em erecta tnt unig crrsnrrilettatrrtrs roreecin, EGR wae Preface ‘The Diferntial Geometry inte ttl of this books she study ofthe geometry of earn and surfaces in thre dimensional space sing callus txhnique ‘Tis tape contalne some ofthe most bes realex Mathecnaics, and yet most of them can be understood without extepave background knows ‘Tans, fr virtually all of his book, the onl pre eqsites are a good werklng Inomadge of Calelus(nluding prt! difeetstion), Vectors apd Lina Alger (inludlag mattis and determinants). Many ofthe eulte abou carves and faces that we sall cuss are peo totypes of more genera ets that pp in higher-dimensinal situations For ‘rample, the Gauss Banbet theorem, eat a Chapter 1, te prototype of ‘large umber of esl tat relat local’ and ‘gol’ propa of gore bles. Th say ofeach reatonsips ha foie one othe mar theres of 200 century Mathemates. ‘We want to amphi, however, thar the methads used in this book ae not necessity hone which generalize #0 highe-cimesional situations, (Fie realer isthe know, there fr example, 29 mention of ‘connections inthe ‘emainde of this book) Hater, we hav ried a al times to use he spas spproach that wil id the dened reels. Not only does hi onthe poe Tunes to an abeclte miata, i alo enable wet ave some ofthe ‘conceptual dltis offen encountered in Ue stdy of Diferenal Geomery In higher dimensions. We hope tht this approach wil ake the Seat subject atebe toa wider aon ea cd but tee peer, that Mathematics can be esd ly by dling, and noe jus by teadng about. Accordiogy, the bok cota over 200 exercises. Readers should attempt as many of thse as Ur stamina Permit Ful sation oa the eerie re giver atthe en ofthe ook, but these should be coaeled nly afar the reader hae abtined hi © her om telition, oF cae of desertion. We have tried to minimise the number of Instanoes ofthe Tater by Intuing Rint o many ofthe lee outine execs, Contents Preface . 1, Curves in the Plane and in Space 1 11 What sa Cure? t 12 ArcLengh 7 12 Reparanircation 10 TA Level Curves vs, Parametsond Cores 16 2, Tow Much Doss « Curve Curve? Ps 21” Contre B 22° Plane Cures = 23° Space Curer % 8. Global Properties of Corvee a 31. Siuple Claed Curves e 32. The eopenimerie Inequality 51 33. The Four Vero Theorem 5 Surfaces in Three Dimensions so 41 What 2 Sinace? ® 42° Smooth Sues «6 43° ‘Tangema, Nommae and Orenabiy 44 xanpies of Sracon B 4S Quadle Surfs at 46 Tiny Orthogonal Systeme 0 |L? Appleton ofthe Ines Punction Thee 1. "The Fiest Fundamental Form 31 Legit of Curves 08 Surfaces 52 Kometre of Surfaces 53 Conformal Mappings o Surtees 54 Surace Area 35 Balaral Moyo and Thotem of Archimedes G1 The Secnd Fundamental Form, {62 The Curatreof Curves ona Surface 63 The Normal and Principal Curvatres 4 Gecmesi ltexpretation of Picipal Carvatures Gaussian Curvature and the Gauss Map Tt The Gavssan and Mean Curares 12 The Paeucoophere 73 Fst Surfaces TA Sarfses of Constant Mean Curate 75 Gansan Guratare of Compact Surfaces 18 The Gaus map Geoodesies EL Definition and Basic Properties 82 Gondesc Bquations 83 Gendeses on Surfaces of Revaution BA Geode a Shortest Paths 85 Geode Coordinates Minin Surfaces 91 Plate 92 Examples of Mina Surfaces 553 Gansemap ofa Minimal urace Da Moimal Surface and Holomorphic Panctions Gauss Theorerna Bere 11 Gauss Remartabe Theor 402 eametsio of Surfaces 103) The Codasri Maina Batons TOA Compact Surfaces of Constant Gaussian Curvature ‘The Gatwa-Bonaet Theorem 111 - Goose Bonnet for Simple Cased Caves 312 Gause-Bonte or Carvin Polygons 113 Gaus Bonnet for Compact Safar ‘Probes 2 1A Singsaitsof Vector Fis MS Cote Pots Solutions Capes 1 caper 2 Conapee 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 8 napus 7 Chapter 8 chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Index a

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