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Student Involvement Strategies

Solicit student answers/ideas Call on students with hands up Draw names (can w/popsicle sticks that have names on them) One volunteer/spokesperson from each table/group of desks Whip-around-each student shares his or her answer. You go around the room as fast as you can. When there is one specific answer Answer chorally Call on the girls Call on the boys Call on one part of the room Call on a given table group If you have on (blue jeans, the color red, etc.) All students write on their white boards or in notebooks Turn-n-talk Think-pair-share Toss a ball to take turns (person with the ball chooses who answers next) 3,2,1 Write three things you learned, write two things you liked, write one question you have Hand signals for multiple choice (sign language a, b, c, or d) Thumbs up, thumbs down Stand up if you think Round the room review- post A, B, C, and D around your classroom. Ask questions and students stand next to their vote. Table for.. (2, 3, or 4) When you say table for 3 students get in a small group of 3 students and discuss a prompt for 2 minutes. Then each group gives a quick summary of what their group thought of or talked about. Voting Plus/Delta summary Grouping Strategies In my 3rd grade student teaching placement the students had cards taped to their desks that represented predetermined groups. Each student had their own playing card in the center and then in the corners there were letters, shapes, colored

dots, and if they were youngest in family or not. These groups could also be used for soliciting answers. Call by shape Call by letter Call by color Call by number on card or even draw a card from a deck Call by suit Youngest in family/Not youngest in family

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