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String Explorer: An Explorers Guide to Teaching Strings Book II

Appearance: a. b. c. d. e. Colorful design and concept throughout book Colored diagrams and pictures for hand positions, bow holds and tuning/vibrato Each scale is preceded by a colored finger chart Most pages consist of music and spend very little time on explanations Explorers show up throughout the book providing historical context or technical challenges for the student f. Student model for all the pictures Content: a. Music is mostly from folk or classical traditions, but also has some new compositions and arrangements b. Includes CD for both students and teacher, tempos can be varied with online download c. CD has cheesy accompaniment and varies the melodic solo instrument between the different strings d. Majority of book is in unison, but there are a few early duets and a few pieces towards the end have five parts e. Teacher manual has some teaching instruction, and full score with piano part for accompaniment for all examples f. Includes finger charts for any new scale or shifting pattern g. Uses up to position III for vln/vla, IV for cello, and VI for DB, introduces in unit fou0072 Structure: a. Book divided into seven units b. Each section starts with Ready, Set, Bow, new bow techniques for the unit. Second, Finger tips new scales or other left hand technique (like harmonics, arpeggios, and hand positions). Third, Putting it together longer pieces of music that combine both new techniques c. At the end of each section there is a longer piece, usually a duet d. There are four Activity pages, all exactly one very colorful page, within the book that explore composition, improve, world music, ear training and music theory e. Each unit has a manageable amount of material, but is highly condensed Approach: a. Introduces vibrato and tuning first in all the books b. Bow used from beginning, but also simplifies bowing or melody when working on a new technique c. Solfege is used on the review scale (Dmajor) but no other d. A lot more descriptions and diagrams for finger placement then for bow hand e. Spiccato is last bow technique in book, and really the only with one a description f. Presents harmonics for all strings in Unit three g. It starts all in first position, but first piece requires shifting for double bass

Assessment: a. Four pages total of written exercises and compositions dealing with the N.S b. Explorers map on back that you move through as you complete pieces c. Various Hot Shot challenges Supplement: a. Download of musical accompaniment b. Performance books c. Online puzzles and games Other Conditions: a. b. c. d. Relatively durable $8 for students Can get on Amazon, but not at local store Does not have second language options

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