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Jordan Korth : Lesson Plan I. Overall Goals: 1.

Singing alone and with others a varied repertoire of music: Students (a) Singing independently, on pitch and in rhythm, with appropriate timbe, diction, posture and maintain a steady tempo. (b) Sing expressively, with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation. (e) Sing in groups blending vocal 2. Listening to, analyzing and describing music: Students (e) Respond through purposeful movement to selected prominent music characteristics or to specific music events while listening to music. II. Behavioral Objectives: 1. The students will echo the teacher and perform vocal sirens with their voices. 2. The students will perform movements while teacher sings song 3. The students will sing All Round the Brickyard 4. The students will perform movements while they sing 5. The students will play the game associated with the song III. Materials: 1. All round the Brickyard from Sail Away 155 American Folk Songs P.31 2. Piano or recorder for starting pitch 3. Space to have children move around the room IV. Procedures: a. Opening -Teacher will ask students to be my mirror and will perform several stretching exercises. -The teacher will perform vocal sirens from low to high and vice versa on a hum and ask the students to echo. -The teacher will demonstrate the difference between his vocal range, and the students. -He will have another teacher echo him an octave higher, Do-Re-Mi and ask the children what is different. -He will ask them to sing with her in her range, and then move on to the song. b. Main Body All Round the Brickyard -The teacher will ask the children to answer the question, and tap along to the beat of the song 1. In this song I am goin do something, put your finger on your nose when you hear what I am goin do. -The teacher will then ask where else can we tap, twice so they can hear the song several times. -Then the teacher will ask what other words like tap can we use? and suggest

Jordan Korth : Lesson Plan Clap, let us clap to the song this time. And ask the students what words in the song change when we clapped instead of tap. -The teacher will then do this step a few, one-to-two more times, with student suggestions so that they get a few more chances to hear the song in full. -The teacher will then tell the students it is their turn to learn the song. -The teacher will break the song into two segments, allremember me and tap itremember me. -The teacher will have them echo in parts twice through the whole piece, correcting or singing the small phrases more as children need, making sure to continue a beat. -Then the teacher will put it back together, m.1-2, and then m.3- first beat of m.6 and then the rest of the song. -The teacher will then sing the whole song for the students to echo. -The teacher will correct areas that proved to be trouble when singing the whole song, probably m.4-6 or the sol-do leap or the la-do at the end. c. Closure -Once they can sing the song the teacher will ask to change the word from clap it to snap it -The teacher will then sing the song several times with changing words each time, telling them between each verse - bob it - swing it - dance it - walk it Assessment: 1. The teacher will monitor and listen to the children as they perform the vocal sirens and warm-up. 2. The teacher will listen to the students as they sing All round the Brickyard independently to determine if they have mastered the song. 3. The teacher will look to see whether the students are following the direction and making the appropriate movements.


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