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Like the Arts and Crafts Movement, they aimed to reconcile art, craft and industry; but had no desire to return to romantic notions of handicraft. They believed art was an aesthetic, and a moral power which would lead to economic power. At first the Werkbund had no specific aesthetic direction until its congress in 1911. Muthesius said that aesthetics could be independent of material quality, standardisation could be a virtue, and that abstract form could be the basis of aesthetics in product design. He proposed modernity, being opposed to ornament, and believed in practicality being the basis for the expression of contemporary cultural values. He argued that beauty came through form not decoration and that this could not be achieved individually, but would have to employ a national type using standardised designs. This was a problem to many members, who saw it as a threat to artistic freedom and creative individuality.

institucin creada para coordinar el trabajo de los diseadores con la produccin industrial.


En su estudio trabajaron tres jvenes que ms tarde se convirtieron en los maestros del movimiento moderno: Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe y Le Corbusier. Pionero en la implantacin arquitectnica de nuevos materiales y tcnicas constructivas.

Construida en hormign colado, acero visto y grandes cristaleras de vidrio plano

1909 : Nave de turbinas de la AEG , Berln


Fundador de la Bauhaus, la escuela de arte que capitaliz la investigacin sobre arquitectura y artes aplicadas durante la primera mitad del siglo XX

1911-1923 : Fbrica Fagus, Alfeld an der Leine -Alemania

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