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Philosophy of Music Education Music is an invaluable part of todays educational curriculum.

It should be a part of the students day to day life both in the home and while at school. Through music the students will experience many positive lessons that will benefit them in and outside the classroom by building confidence levels, increasing collaboration and inspiring creativity. They learn to be cooperative with other students through participation in ensembles and group lessons. They also learn to be both self-aware and self-confident through private instruction and performance opportunities. They will become stronger at expressing themselves and sharing their creative endeavors through practicing improvisation and composition. The students will also become better world citizens through being exposed to music and developing music appreciation from cultures different than their own. The school and music program should provide a strong curriculum, for students with exceptionalities and students who will benefit from the experience but will not pursue music outside of the school room setting. To do this, the program must be both challenging and flexible. We must provide carefully chosen repertoire of varying styles and difficulty. All ensembles should be available to anyone who wishes to create music with like-minded students. The experience of helping peers who are weaker musicians will build leadership skills along with important social skills and compassion within the ensemble. As well as the ensembles there should also be access to private lessons through the school, either with the instructor or community members who are exceptional musicians. Students should always be pushed towards challenging but attainable goals and never where they become accustomed to failure. Lesson and ensemble materials should be challenging both mentally and technically but still fall within the realm of accomplishment with reasonable time and attention. There should be several types of rooms available within the school for the instruction of music. One must be a large space, such as an auditorium, in which ensemble rehearsal sessions and performances can take place. This space need not be solely reserved for use by the music program, as it would be needed for that purpose only for a few hours each week. Another necessary room is a standard classroom with an available blackboard, a projector and a piano. Music stands as well as tables and chairs should also be available, but easily movable so that students have free access of the room for instrument playing and movement activities. As a string specialist, I will instruct students in different string instruments, both through group lessons, private lessons and varying ensembles. These ensembles will be heterogenous in nature and will have diverse musical repertoire. Despite my specialization in string I also have a thorough background in vocal music, composition/theory and music appreciation/history that I intend to always bring to my classroom in order to present a well-rounded musical experience to my students. To me, an ideal musical experience will 1) find a strength for every member 2) help students become better musicians and 3) help students become more developed as individuals and as part of a group. I will aim my instruction and work with students towards these ends.

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