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Charlotte C-S

Who would be the target audience for your product?


The typical age for people who enjoy horror films is between young teenagers and young adults. This can be because of many factors but a key one is that people are not as easy to scare due to the wider knowledge society has now and younger people are scared less due to the amount of horror that they will havc already seen.


Due to the more specific audience we are targeting our film at, we would target our main distribution to arthouse cinemas such as the Curzon or similar places as it would be imperative to go to the right audince. People who go to art house cinemas go there with a specific desire for a film and it would be beneficial to distribute our film to a place where people would go specifically to see it.

Due to the level of gore in out film I feel it would be targeted to an age group of 15+ as it is not specifically based on gore, like the Saw films, however there is some gore and general terror involved which could be disturbing for younger audiences.

Genreally horror films are popular for people who love the adrenaline rush created by the tension of the film and the parts where a scareis created. Our film is less aboutt he scare of the jump though so it would be targeted more specifiucally at theo people who enjoy the idea of a psycological horror, rather than a scary horror based on the shock factor of gore, supernatural etc.

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