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Volume 3

May 2013

E-Herald of the Coming Kingdom

The time has come, and the Kingdom of God is near. Change the way you think and act, and believe the Good News. Mark 1:15 GW

In This Issue:
Heed Judes Warning The Wonder of Seven Spiritual Giftedness The Fig Tree And More..


Page 3

Heed Judes Warning

Kent H. Ross
Page 5

The Wonder of Sevens

Cathy G. Cunningham
Page 9

From Prophecy News Watch

*Americas #1 in Fear, Stress, Anger, Divorce, Obesity, Anti-Depressants, Etc. *The Muslim World Hates The US More Than Ever *US Inmam Calls On Muslims In US To Wage Jihad
Page 13

Pine Woods Bible Class

W. H. Wilson
Page 17

Spiritual Giftedness From God Is Often Abused

Kent. H. Ross
Page 20

The Fig Tree

Bruce Lyons
Page 21

Page 2

Editors Note
Co-Editors: Kent H. Ross Wally Winner

Instability of Our World As this is written, our world for the moment, seems stable, but that may only be today. We can hardly know what tomorrow will bring. Perhaps those in North Korean will decide to send a missile flying. Perhaps it will have a thermonuclear warhead, or just another sort of destructive device. Perhaps it will be send all the way to the United States, or to one of our Pacific bases, or maybe our ally, South Korean . . . but as of this writing things there are quiet. Then again the trouble may explode from Iran, which has been given an extraordinary amount of extra time to develop their own nuclear weaponry. Their plainly expressed plan is to utterly destroy Israel. Our pleas for them to not develop such has obviously fallen on deaf ears, Well, not to our government, but to all clear thinking individuals it has. Ever since the Arab "spring" when we heard proclaimed the arrival of some form of democracy in Egypt, it is laughingly apparent to almost all (some government leaders and media excepted) that this is nonsense. There in Egypt, but also in Libya, now seemingly in Syria . . . well almost in the entire Arab world the Muslim Brotherhood seems in the ascendancy. Just this last month our country experienced the bombs exploding at the Boston Marathon causing death and destruction among innocent people. Warned not to rush t judgment. it soon became apparent that the two directly involved were Islamic terrorists, one incredibly receiving his U.S. citizenship last September 11. Like an old table or buffet, the thin veneer that made such a nice appearing piece of furniture is warped and cracked and splintering . . . just as is our world. And it will only get worse, worse that is until the Lord returns. Losses Come Three deaths in a week among my immediate acquaintances brought this too mind. One a long time and faithful member of the Body of Christ, one who had just days before sealed his faith with baptism, and one who was somewhat unknown to me. Those losses are to be expected as people die every day, either having made their peace with God or NOT. But this further focused my attention on the loss of people from our churches, even of the loss of churches that are closing, of ministers who move in different directions. Unfortunately, that seems to be the pattern as the Age draws to a conclusion. Leaders of our Conference and local churches seem non-plused as to what to do about it. The losses seem frightening, and we try our best to stem them, to staunch the flow from our churches. One pastor implored me not to cite another pastor whose church is growing, as that is near his church which is also growing, but that other church is from a different faith.

Page 3

That raises the question of "faith" because it appears it is difficult, if not impossible, for our leaders to define "the faith once delivered to the saints" (see Jude 3). When our "trumpets give for an uncertain sound" (see 1 Cor. 14:8) which they seem to be doing, it is no wonder people in our churches influence do not know how to respond. There needs to be a strong response to this issue, but I fear it will not happen. Theological Conference It's coming up May 2-5 down near Atlanta. Anthony Buzzard and I were involved in founding it some 20 years ago, while the college was still back in Oregon, Illinois. Since my separation from the college, I have not been as involved as once, but it is still my privilege to participate, as I will again this year as concluding speaker. It looks to be an excellent program with a number of excellent speakers. Hopefully many of our pastors will be attending to share in these presentations. Sadly, in the past, only a handful of our pastors seem unable to attend. Perhaps this year will it will be better attended, but with our Ministers and Spouses Retreat in February, the Easter season at our churches in march, Christian Worker's Seminar in April, and now our Theological Conference in May, there may not be time to unpack and pack the suitcases. CWS The 40th Annual Christian Worker's Seminar was last month down in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, It is to renew our vision and to rejoice together with people from around the country. Last maybe you were encouraged to come and join Wally Winner and myself and all the others There were wonderful opportunities to learn and grow in faith. One course of study was to be exposure to NCD, the instrument our Conference is teaching and promoting. Unfortunately Gary Burnham, who is leading the effort for the Conference was unable to attend/. Several of our churches are trying to implement it in some of our local churches. We commend it to you to consider in and for your church, though sadly we cannot report on its progress amongst us. You may want to look at the Registration form on the back pages of this issue. Just $5, or $10 Per Month That was how this section was headed last month, and it needs to be said again and again. When you constantly hear of families spending hundreds of dollars for a weekend away. No, you and I may not, but it is not that unusual. Or to go out for a nice dinner with the family and spend around $40 to $50. We did that Sunday at Golden Corral. Our bill with tip, for, the three of us ran over $40. Friday's breakfast with a group of our ministers will run each of us at $5 to $8. Now with that said, I am aware of the needs at our Bible College. As many of you know I am separated from the college, but it is the only college in the world that teaches clearly the Bible truths we hold precious. Their regular enrollment is weaning, the needs of the General Fund are falling short each month and need special infusions of gifts, such as was collected at Christian Worker's Seminar this year. That ought not to be. I suppose if anyone had a right to withhold funds from them, it might be me, but I urge you, as will I, to send money to support this vital work. Maybe you can't send $100, or $50, though many could, be even $10 or $20, especially done each month is of great assistance in keeping our college in Atlanta operating. Their address is: ATLANTA BIBLE COLLEGE & the CHURCH OF GOD GENERAL CONFERENCE 2020 Avalon Parkway, Suite 400, PO Box 2950, McDonough, GA 3025

See if you can help.

Page 4

Heed Jude's Warning

By Kent Ross

Jude is one of those one chapter epistles that is fairly obscure in the minds of most people, even most Christian people. There is also Philemon, 2 John and 3 John. Just four short notes, but in fact, filled with excellent material that should challenge us, maybe rebuke us, and encourage us. But as few people spend time with them, their words are often unheeded and even unread. Oddly enough my first exposure was many years ago when we were challenged to a Bible reading contest of sorts, and finding the short books gave me a head-start allowing me to finish four entire books relatively quickly. So much for my spiritual standing at that point in my life. Jude has many lessons in it, though only one will be considered in this article and that is the three points made by the author in he third verse of his epistle. Note it carefully: 3 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to Gods holy people. (NIV) 3 Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. (NASB)

3-4 Dear friends, Ive dropped everything to write you about this life of salvation that we have in common. I have to write insistingbegging!that you fight with everything you have in you for this faith entrusted to us as a gift to guard and cherish. What has happened is that some people have infiltrated our ranks (our Scriptures warned us this would happen), who beneath their pious skin are shameless scoundrels. Their design is to replace the sheer grace of our God with sheer licensewhich means doing away with Jesus Christ, our one and only Master. (The Message) Jude's First Point: He wishes he could just write and share the hope we and they had and have of the coming Kingdom of God. It's part of the salvation we have and will experience because of Jesus' sacrificial death. He doesn't share a great deal about its nearness. From our vantage point it is much nearer, nearly 2000 years nearer. Is it imminent? Some insist it is not an immediate thing, but there are some needed prophetic elements that must first occur, including a new temple, and the appearance of the Abomination of Desolation, but we can never know how soon Page 5

it will be that our decision is made for eternity for we know not when our demise might be. But it is nice to think about the Kingdom coming. It is especially appealing as we see signs of civilization unraveling, and of the rise of Satanic activity. In just our recent past and present, there are three ominous signs, and perhaps a fourth: 1) The increasing isolation of Israel, God's nation; 2) The rise of militant and irrational Muslims who opening proclaim their intent to destroy Israel . . . and Christianity. 3) The decline of the influence of the United States as a world power, especially in its waning support for Israel. 4) The election of a new pope, the first pope of the Jesuits, who's history is frightening in their obedience and devotion to the Pope's desires. Those may not have been in Jude's mind, but for us they warn of persecution probably, of pressure on people who would support Israel, all which lead us to Jude's further thought. Jude's Second Point: Moving beyond the hope about which he's prefer to write, he feels it necessary to urge them, and us today, to "contend for the faith." Go back and head the additional verse four in The Message's version. The faith needs to be strongly held. I believe there are essential elements of the faith that must be understood, but not held privately. Too often we have been guilty of holding our faith and not sharing it, partly because it seems so different than most who call themselves Christians. In fact, often, when they learn of true faith as we believe it to be, they reject us as even being Christians. How we contend for the faith is the issue. It is imperative that we content for it, but it needs to be done in a way that persuades, not always confronts. Peter clarifies it a bit for us in 1st Peter 3:15,16: 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the

reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. Notice his three points: 1) Set your hearts and minds on Christ as our Lord: 2) Be ready to explain the reason for your hope. Being able to do that assumes you have a thorough knowledge of the Bible and its teachings; & 3) Doing it with gentleness and respect. Too often in the past when we've "contended" we've have been confrontational in a controversial way that causes an unwillingness for our listeners to even want to listen and hopefully learn. That does not mean to compromise any of the truth, but to stand strong and kindly for the Word of God. Jude's Third Point: That faith, to which he refers, is not an unclear combination of real Christian truth and what is held by many who bear the name Christian, but we do not hold the faith, the faith once for all delivered to the saints. Are those who disagree with our understanding of the faith, still going to be saved? I can't judge that, nor can any of us, for that has been delegated to the Lord, and He will judge righteously. Having said that, it seems to me that that faith once delivered to the saints, was being challenged then, and today the challenge is greater. Paul declared that there was just one gospel when he wrote to the churches in Galatians 1:6-9 6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under Gods curse! 9 As we have already said, Page 6

so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under Gods curse! Paul seemingly had little, perhaps no tolerance, for "wishy-washy, willy-nilly" faith of some then, and of many today. He talks about God's curse of people who would try and change what he had brought them. He speaks to that in Ephesians 4:14,15: 14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves,and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. He obviously worried about this for he warned the young leader Timothy of this as a coming danger in 2nd Timothy 3: But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, 3 unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers

oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone. If it was a danger for this young teacher of the faith, Paul came back to emphasize again what he meant in the fourth chapter of 2nd Timothy: In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encouragewith great patience and careful 3 instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. If Paul was concerned then, we ought to be doubly aware of how much the "biblical" truth has been changed. These are just a few examples of what has been distorted. Now, of course, God can make any allowance as He chooses, but these seem of concern. 1) Is Jesus God the Son, or the only Begotten SON of God? 2) Did God give us an immortal soul that at death flies out of our body? 3) Do "souls" go to heaven or hell at death? 4) Is sprinkling infants an acceptable baptism or need they be believers? Page 7

5) Will Christ return to this earth to bring and reunite those souls that are already in heaven with their bodies, or will he raise the dead souls here and change them into immortal beings at His coming? How many of those ought we to believe? How many can we be muddled on and still "make it?" Those five listed above certainly are part of the faith once delivered to the saints, and for which this publication and our Church stands. There are others, but these five are all muddled and misunderstood by most who bear the name Christian. It's of further interest to read Paul's warning to the Thessalonians in 2nd Thess. 2: They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. And he further adds in that same chapter, verses 13-15: But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as firstfruits to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14 He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings[c] we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. Strong warnings, all stemming from what Jude said to his readers, which includes us: 1) Wish I could 2) But you need to Content 3) For the Faith Once Delivered

Annual Church of God General Conference July 10-12 Guthrie Grove Church of God, Pelzer, SC 29669

NINTH ANNUAL Church of God

September 19-21, 2013 Hosted at and by the North Hills Church of God 2950 Moorefield Road Springfield, OH 45502
COG History Committee Jan Stilson , Arlen Rankin, Greg Demmitt, David Krogh Kent Ross, Coordinator

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The Wonder of Seven

By Cathy G. Cunningham
Our Heavenly Father has given abundant blessings to those who truly worship Him. Among these many blessings is His provision for our future. For / know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope, "'Jer. 29:11. God not only has plans for our future, but also He has given these plans to us in writing, readily available to all who seek to know His will. Through His prophets, God has provided detailed accounts of His plans. In studying God's prophetic plans it is essential to pray for wisdom, understanding, and discernment. "Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding; for if you cry for discernment, lift up your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding," Prov. 2:2-6. If we follow this advice, our perspective is true and our understanding is clear. Even before studying His word, first go to God in prayer, seeking His wisdom, and He will open His plans to you. An integral yet often overlooked aspect of God's plans is His emphasis on the number seven. From earliest times, God has been teaching man to recognize its significance in prophecy. Scripture is filled with many examples of seven. I will list merely a few: seven days of the week: seventh day made holy: mourning of Job lasted seven days: every clean animal taken by sevens, male and female, into the ark; birds taken by sevens, male and female, into the ark; Noah in the ark seven days before the flood; Noah in the Page 9

ark seven days after releasing the dove; Jacob served seven years for Leah and seven years for Rachel; mourning for Jacob lasted seven days; Pharaoh's God-inspired dream contained seven fat cows, seven lean cows, seven plump ears of grain, seven thin ears of grain and foretold of seven years of plenty, seven years of famine; plague of blood lasted seven days: circled Jericho seven times; consecration of priests and altars takes seven days: blood of offerings to God sprinkled seven times: seven years Nebuchadnezzar's insanity: Naaman dipped in Jordan seven times: feast of Unleavened Bread lasts There are Seven States of seven days; feast of Tabernacles lasts seven days; the seventh matter in the universe: month is the holiest month, containing the last three as yet Solid unfulfilled feasts depicting Christ's second coming; Jesus' seven Liquid recorded miracles; Jesus' seven "I am" statements; seven titles of Christ: Jesus' seven statements from the cross: etc. Gas Each use of seven depicts a much deeper relevance Plasma than is apparent at first glance. Seven, along with its Beam derivations (sevenfold, seventh, Sabbaths, etc.), is used in Bose-Einstein Condensate scripture at least 741 times, providing a trail of sevens throughout the Bible. Culminating in the final book of scripture, (zero matter) the trail of sevens comes to a grand crescendo. Thought Wave The deeply-prophetic book of Revelation is replete with sevens - seven churches, seven spirits, seven lamps, seven stars, seven seals, seven horns, seven eyes, seven angels, seven trumpets, seven thunders, seven thousand, seven heads, There are 7 major plates in the seven diadems, seven plagues, seven bowls, seven mountains, seven kings. It provides vivid imagery in wave after wave of Lithosphere (the outer crust seven as this age comes to a close, completing the kingdoms of the Earth's surface) and of men and ushering in the Kingdom of God. From beginning to end, from the very earliest of times to the very end of several smaller ones. this age, seven holds great prophetic significance. From the beginning, God instructed man to determine times in blocks of seven. Man was taught to calculate days, weeks, years, feasts, etc. in sets of seven. A set of seven days would determine one week. Weeks were always to be counted There are seven colors of the in blocks of seven days (as is so today), A set of seven weeks ("seven sevens") was to be counted from the offering of rainbow: Firstfruits in order to determine the date of the next feast, the Red Feast of Weeks, also known as Pentecost (Greek for 50th). Orange Seven sets of seven (49 days) were to be counted and Yellow completed, then on the next day (the 50th day) the Feast of Pentecost was determined. There are several feasts observed Green by the Jews, seven of which scripture designates as 'feasts Blue of the Lord, "specific times appointed by God Himself. [These particular sets of seven feasts foreshadow the Savior, the very Indigo center of God's plans. The Hebrew word for "feast," also Violet translated as "appointed times," also means "rehearsal." God has continued to rehearse His plans through these seven appointed times and through the writing of His prophets, allowing His servants to know in advance what He has planned.] Years were likewise to be counted in sets of seven. The seventh year was designated by God as a year of "sabbath rest." Certain debts were canceled and crops were not planted, giving both the people and the land a "Sabbath of rest."The completion of seven sets of seven years ("seven sevens ") was given a special blessing by God. As dual, or back-to-back years of rest, both the 49* and the 50* years were designated by Him as years of "rest." The 50,* or Pentecostal year, was called "the year of Jubilee." a very special time of celebration, freedom, and rest. This very special year was consecrated on Yom Kippur, the Day of Page 10

Atonement, with the blowing of the ram's horn (the very symbol of God's deliverance). The Year of Jubilee brought rest to the earth and its people, freedom from debts, freedom to slaves, land reverted to its original owner, the curse of toiling for food temporarily lifted. The observances of both the sabbath year and the year of jubilee give believers a small glimpse into our future, depicting both the Millennial Kingdom and the Everlasting Kingdom. For those in the first resurrection, it will truly be a dual blessing of rest. We will rest from sin and sorrow and death. No longer enslaved to sin, our debts forever forgiven, the curse of toiling for our bread will have been lifted in full. It will be the time when the land reverts to its original Owner, God. "Therefore ... a promise remains of entering His rest ...we who have believed enter that rest... there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God... Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest... (See Heb. 4:1-11.) The completion of seven has always been associated with the blessing of rest. In fact, the very idea of "sabbath is rest; it literally means "to cease." As early as the 2nd chapter of Holy Scripture, God began to explain His blessing of rest, a recurring theme throughout the entire Bible. "By the seventh day, God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made," Gen. 2:2-3. Throughout scripture, seven signifies completion (not perfection as is sometimes supposed). It was not until after a prescribed period of seven days had been completed that a defiled object, or person, could be purified. "' For seven days they shall make atonement... When they have completed the days, it shall be that on the eighth day and onward... I will accept you', declares the Lord God." (See for ex. Ezek. 43:25-27; Ex. 23:30; Lev. 14:23; etc.) This cleansing process (prescribed by God) restored the formerly-defiled item to God's service, making it "holy unto the Lord." It is not until God's planned final set of seven years have been completed that this defiled earth can become the establishment of the Kingdom of God and of His Christ. Aside from our knowledge that seven days equal one week, counting by sevens is quite strange to us in the 21st century. But as scripture attests, it was commonplace for Jews living in biblical times. Seven holds great prophetic significance, both to God and for those who are His. God will eventually take back His creation. He will reclaim, or redeem, what is His after His prescribed period of seven is complete. God has already planned for His creation's redemption, and Christ of course is the very center of that plan. God's plan is foretold by each of His prophets, and Christ, the greatest prophet of all, mentions his Father's prescription for forgiveness. As Peter, somewhat aware of the significance of seven, asks about forgiveness, Christ responds. "Then Peter came and said to him, 'Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?' Jesus said to him, I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.'" Mt. 18:21-22. It is obviously to our own benefit to forgive others, and likewise it is to their benefit to forgive us as well. "For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions," Mt. 6:14-15. However, this lesson on continuing forgiveness contains more depth of meaning than we might see at first glance. Many people refer to Christ as "the great physician," because of his miraculous healing power. In this statement to Peter, Christ not only encourages continuance to forgive, but also he shares his Father's own healing prescription for everlasting forgiveness. In Ex. 15:26, God states, ".../, the Lord, am your healer." His prescription must be taken as directed, completing the full dosage: seventy sets of seven. This precise prescription was also delivered in the Old Testament as well. Dispatched from heaven, the angel Gabriel was sent with God's prescription, the necessary formula for mankind's redemption. Dispensing the prescription to God's beloved prophet Daniel, Gabriel explains, "Seventy sevens have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place." Dan. 9:24. When all of these criteria are completed, when the last dose of the prescription has been consumed, our healing will be complete. We will stand healed and purified in God's Kingdom. Page 11

Sevens in the Bible*

Occur in over 600 passages: Some overt, some structural, some hidden. Are the Heptadic Structures a signature? Here is a Design Challenge: Design A Genealogy where... The number of words must be divisible by 7, evenly The number of letters must also be divisible by evenly. The number, of vowels and the number of consonant must also be divisible by 7. The number of words that begin with a vowel must be divisible by 7. The number of words that begin with a consonant must be divisible by 7. The number of words that occur more than once must be divisible by 7. The number of words that occur in more than one form must be divisible by 7. The number of words that occur in only one form must be divisible by 7, The number of nouns shall be divisible by 7. Only 7 words shall not be nouns. The number of names shall be divisible by 7. Only 7 other kinds of nouns are permitted. The number of male names shall be divisible by 7. The number of generations shall be divisible by 7. (21) This is the genealogy of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 1:1 -11, (in Greek).

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From the Prophecy News Watch

America #1 In Fear, Stress, Anger, Divorce, Obesity, AntiDepressants, Etc.

The United States is a deeply unhappy place. We are a nation that is absolutely consumed by fear, stress, anger and depression. It isn't just our economy that is falling apart - the very fabric of society is starting to come apart at the seams and it is because of what is happening to us on the inside. The facts and statistics that I am going to share with you in this article are quite startling. They are clear evidence that America is a nation that is an advanced state of decline. We are overwhelmed by fear, stress and anxiety, and much of the time the ways that we choose to deal with those emotions lead to some very self-destructive behaviors. Americans have experienced a standard of living far beyond the wildest dreams of most societies throughout human history, and yet we are an absolutely miserable people. Why is this? Why is America #1 in so many negative categories? Why are we constantly looking for ways to escape the pain of our own lives? Why are our families falling apart? There is vast material wealth all around us. So why can't we be happy? Just look around you. Are most of the people around you teeming with happiness and joy? Sadly, the truth is that most Americans are terribly stressed out. Yeah, many of them may be able to manage to come up with a smile when they greet you, but most of the time they are consumed by internal struggles that are eating away at them like cancer. So why is this happening? Is modern life structured in a way that is fundamentally unhealthy? Below I have posted a short excerpt from a message that one of Charles Hugh Smith's readers named Kenneth Daigle recently sent to him. I think that it does a good job of describing the incredible stress that many people contend with on a daily basis... Think about how our culture is now structured for the average adult: STRESS, everywhere you look--commuting in horrible traffic, as you want to scream in frustration--money stress, to pay rent/house note, tuition, utilities, gas, insurances, vacations, cable bill, rising food costs, and on and on and on--stress from family problems, divorce, delinquency, drugs, crime, infidelity, keeping up with the Jones, etc. People have too high an expectation of what they should have out of life, and get overly stressed over it all. How does all of this manifest itself? A prescription drug culture (Zoloft, Xanax, etc.) that tricks people into thinking a pill will knock back the stress, when these drugs, in my opinion, only make things worse. I am hearing more and more that people just want to drop out from it all, as they are reaching a breaking point, and have decided less income and dependency on entitlements will reduce their stress, and is not so humiliating, so giving up working becomes more acceptable, to KEEP ONES SANITY. I know I am correct, from the feedback I hear every day, and the financial media does not see this like I hear it every day. People don't want to admit that they are too weak to deal with stress, so the financial pundits are not aware of this critical factor because they don't talk to Joe Sixpack. Page 13

Most Americans live lives of "quiet desperation" that are punctuated by moments of great crisis. We spend our prime years working for others (making them rich) in order to pay off debts that we have foolishly accumulated (thus making the banks even wealthier). When most Americans reach the end of their lives, they look back and wonder what they actually accomplished. James Altucher published an incredible article the other day entitled "Why Do People Hate Their Jobs?" It did a great job of describing what life is like for the modern worker in America. The following are a few of the reasons that he says people tend to hate their jobs... -Jobs are modern-day slavery. We are paid just enough to live and not more. You are punished if you ask for more. -We are often verbally abused on the job and we take it because we think its normal that people would yell at us. -The government gets up to 50% of your paycheck and then 10-20% of that goes to kill people on other parts of the planet, including our own children. -From 7am to 7pm you are either A) going to work, B) at work, or C) coming back from work. Hence, the times when you can be most creative are garbage-compacted into your cubicle. -When you are paranoid at a job, you are probably correct. THEY are, in fact, talking about you and backstabbing you right now. -You realize that all the dollars you spent on degrees to get you a job that will make you happy were completely wasted. You were scammed but you cant let the next generation know how stupid you were so now you become part of perpetuating the scam. -Your spouse is tired of hearing about your job after six months. And you couldnt care less about hers. Ten years later you wake up next to a total stranger. 40 years later you die next to one. -When you were a kid you liked to draw, and read, and run, and laugh, and play, and imagine a magical world. Youre never going to do any of that again. -Over time everyone is getting fired and being replaced by younger, cheaper, more temporary, more robotic, versions of you. You see this but are afraid to do anything about it. And of course when we get home from work there is even more stress. In America today, we are witnessing a breakdown of the family unlike anything we have ever seen before. The United States leads the world in divorce and in single person households. We are having an increasingly difficult time relating to one another, and many of us drown our sorrows in our addictions. We are addicted to pills, to alcohol, to food, to entertainment, to sex, to gambling, to shopping and to anything else that will make us feel good and forget about our problems for a while. The following is a collection of facts and statistics that prove that America is being absolutely consumed by fear, stress, anger and depression... -Suicide has now actually surpassed car accidents as the number one cause of "injury death" in the United States. -More U.S. soldiers killed themselves than were killed in combat last year. -As I mentioned in another article, Americans will spend more than 280 billion dollars on prescription drugs during 2013. -Nearly one out of every four women in the United States are taking antidepressants. -The percentage of women taking antidepressants in the U.S. is higher than in any other country in the world. -In 2010, the average teen in the U.S. was taking 1.2 central nervous system drugs. Those are the kinds of drugs which treat conditions such as ADHD and depression. Page 14

-Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants as children in Europe are. -According to a recent article by David Kupelian, "one-third of the nations employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all 'millennials' (18 to 33 year olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder." -Tens of millions of Americans use alcohol and drugs to numb the pain that they are experiencing. In the United States today, there are about 28 million Americans with a drinking problem and about 22 million Americans use illegal drugs. -More people have been diagnosed with mental disorders in America than anywhere else on earth. -There are also tens of millions of Americans that try to deal with anxiety and stress by eating. Of all the major industrialized nations, America is the most obese. Mexico is #2. -Back in 1962, only 13 percent of all Americans were obese. Today, approximately 36 percent of all Americans are obese. -Many people try to escape from the pain of reality by getting lost in entertainment. Incredibly, the United States is tied with the UK for the highest average number of hours spent watching television each week. -The United States has the highest divorce rate in the world by a good margin. -The United States has the highest percentage of one person households on the entire planet. -According to the Pew Research Center, only 51 percent of all American adults are currently married. Back in 1960, 72 percent of all adults in the United States were married. -At this point, approximately one out of every three children in America lives in a home without a father. -For women under the age of 30 living in the United States today, more than half of all babies are being born out of wedlock. -The United States has the highest child abuse death rate in the developed world. -In the United States today, it is estimated that one out of every four girls is sexually abused before they become adults. -The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the world by a very wide margin. -The United States produces more pornography than any other nation in the world. -If you can believe it, there are 20 million new STD infections in the United States every single year. -The U.S. has the highest STD infection rate in the entire industrialized world. -It is estimated that about one out of every six Americans between the ages of 14 and 49 have genital herpes. -Sadly, one out of every four teen girls in the U.S. has at least one sexually transmitted disease. -The United States leads the world in eating disorder deaths. -Nobody in the world gets more plastic surgery done than Americans do. -Americans spend more time sitting in traffic than anyone else in the world. -America has the highest incarceration rate and the largest total prison population in the entire world by a very wide margin. Fear is one of the primary things that motivates the American people, and that is a very powerful weapon that can be used against us. As I wrote about yesterday, those that commit acts of terror want to get attention and they want to create fear. And that is exactly what the Boston Marathon bombing accomplished. It captured the Page 15

attention of the nation for days on end, and it absolutely paralyzed the entire Boston area with fear. When we allow ourselves to be terrorized, we actually encourage more terror attacks. When we give terrorists what they want, it just encourages more psychos to commit acts of terror. If you don't believe me, just check out the following links that I found posted on The Drudge Report on Monday... *"3 Alabama hospitals evacuated after bomb threats"* *"Connecticut Courthouse Evacuated After Bomb Threat"* *"South Hills Village Evacuated After Bomb Threat"* *"Rock Island neighborhood evacuated after bomb threat"* *"Bomb threat forces evacuation of Seabreeze office building"* The appropriate response to a terror attack is to refuse to be terrorized. Yes, we should also work to expose and punish the individuals, organizations and governments that are behind terror. But we should also not let terror change how we live our lives, and we should definitely not allow terror to be used as an excuse to rip our liberties and freedoms away. Sadly, as Ron Paul has detailed, some of our politicians are already calling for "tighter security" in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing... Sadly, I expect this weeks tragic attacks in Boston to be used to justify new restrictions on liberty. Within 48 hours of the attack in Boston, at least one Congressman was calling for increased use of surveillance cameras to expand the governments ability to monitor our actions, while another Senator called for a federal law mandating background checks before Americans can buy explosive powder. I would not be surprised if the Transportation Security Administration uses this tragedy to claim new authority to screen Americans before they can attend sporting or other public events. The Boston attack may also be used as another justification for creating a National ID Card tied to a federal database with biometric information. The only thing that will stop them is if the American people rediscover the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin that you cannot achieve security by allowing government to take their liberties. But no matter how much liberty and freedom we give up, we will never be 100% safe. Bad people are always going to do bad things, and unfortunately we are probably going to see some pretty nightmarish things in the years ahead as the world becomes even more unstable. If we allow the bad guys to get us so frightened that we throw out the U.S. Constitution and abandon our liberties and our freedoms, then we are the ones who lose. Yes, the years ahead are going to be tough. The economic collapse is going to accelerate greatly, there will be tremendous natural disasters, there will be war in the Middle East and there will be other problems that we cannot even conceive of right now. At the same time, the American people will continue to become even angrier and even more frustrated. According to a recent Pew Research survey, the percentage of Americans with a favorable view of the federal government is now at an all-time low. As the economy crumbles, there will likely be great civil unrest as people demand solutions. Unfortunately, our problems took decades to develop and they will not be solved overnight even if we did have good people in office. So why am I saying all of this? And why am I constantly warning about the coming economic collapse? Is it because I want to create fear? No, just the opposite of that. I am a watchman on the wall. In ancient times, a watchman would warn the people when the enemy was approaching. When you receive the warning, there are a few different ways that you can respond to it... Page 16

#1 You can become consumed with fear and run away from the enemy. Unfortunately, cowards never get the victory in the end. #2 You can dismiss the warning and pretend that the enemy is not approaching. But then when the enemy comes you will be completely unprepared. #3 You can do everything possible to get prepared to face the enemy that is coming with strength and courage. And that is how I would encourage all of you to approach the coming economic collapse and the other great problems that we will soon be experiencing as a nation. Do not be afraid. Instead, be strong and courageous and prepare well for the storms that are coming.

The Muslim World Hates the U.S. More Than Ever

If there was one thing the left was certain about in 2008 it was this: George W. Bush had catastrophically undermined America's world reputation with his unprovoked aggression and use of torture. The advent of Obama would reverse the damage. As Andrew Sullivan wrote in 2007, among best assets Obama brought to the "rebranding" of America was "his face." The election of Obama and his friendly approach to the Muslim world would make the United States safer as well as more just. No one believed this tale more fervently than Obama himself. His first official act was to direct the closing of Guantanamo Bay within one year and the elimination of harsh interrogation techniques. The "message we are sending around the world," he intoned, "is that the United States intends to prosecute the ongoing struggle ... in a manner that is consistent with our values and our ideals." In Cairo a few months later, he declared, "a new beginning" of relations between America and the Muslim world. Obama participated in erecting a Bush straw man a Bush who disdained and caricatured Muslims in general and committed war crimes in the name of national security. In fact, Bush had gone to great pains, within hours of the 9/11 attacks, to appear with imams and to stress that Islam was a "religion of peace." Because Iraq had been Bush's war, as Obama saw it, he squandered the hard-won victory by failing to obtain an agreement that would have kept a stabilizing American force on the ground, electing instead to withdraw completely. And because Afghanistan was the war that Bush allegedly neglected, Obama sent 33,000 more troops (fewer than the Page 17

generals requested) a surge that, unlike Bush's in Iraq failed, but not before causing 70 percent of the American deaths in that conflict. Most of all, the Obama administration fled from the concept of a struggle against Islamic terrorism as if fighting jihadis (the small subset of Muslims who've declared war on us) were equivalent to warring against all Muslims. Orwellian language flowed. The war on terror became "overseas contingency operations." When Major Nidal Hassan gunned down his fellow soldiers shouting "Allahu Akbar!" the president warned against jumping to conclusions (a caution he failed to show himself in the Trayvon Martin and Henry Louis Gates cases). His administration later dubbed Hassan's attack "workplace violence" rather than jihadism or terrorism. When Faisal Shahzad attempted to explode a car bomb in Times Square, the administration at first declared it to be a lone wolf attack, only later reluctantly conceding that the Pakistani Taliban had been culpable. When the consulate in Benghazi was attacked (undermining the administration narrative that al-Qaida had died with bin Laden), the administration conducted a prolonged disinformation campaign designed to deny the obvious. Tiptoeing through language after the Boston bombings, the administration at first declined to use the word "terror," perhaps fearing that to use the word would imply a Muslim connection. "You use those words and it means something very specific in people's minds," explained David Axelrod. Besides, he continued, the president suspected "tax day" protesters. What has this excruciating torture of the language and elaborate "rebranding" achieved? The U.S. is not safer. Terror attacks have been attempted at the same rate as during the Bush years (and have been thwarted slightly less successfully). As for U.S. standing in the Muslim world, the Guardian reports that a 2011 poll found favorability ratings for the U.S. have plummeted. "In most countries they are lower than at the end of the Bush administration, and lower than Iran's favorable ratings." A 2012 Pew poll of six predominantly Muslim nations Turkey, Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan found U.S. approval ratings below those during the Bush Administration and well under the popularity of China. It's one thing to create a bogeyman for political purposes. Obama did it to Bush in 2008 (for use against McCain), and he did it to Romney in 2012. It's quite another to believe your own propaganda and make policy in response. Bush was no anti-Muslim bigot. If he erred, it was in believing too credulously in the readiness for western-style democracy in the Arab world. As for Obama, his doubletalk about the nature of our enemies jihadis has achieved neither greater safety for Americans nor improved popularity in the Muslim world. He's 0 for 2.

US Imam Calls On Muslims In US To Wage Jihad

The controversial imam of a prominent mosque in Arlington, Va., has urged immigrant Muslims in the United States to wage war for Islam. The enemies of Allah are lining up. The question for us is, are we lining [up] or are we afraid because they may call us terrorists? Shaker Elsayed told a crowd of Ethiopian Muslims during a lecture at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va. Page 18

Let me give you the good news: they are already calling us terrorists anyway. Whether you sitting at home, watching TV, drinking coffee, sleeping or playing with your kids, you are a terrorist because you are a Muslim. Well, give them a run for their money. Make it worth it. Make this title worth it, and be a good Muslim, said the Cairo-born Muslim. Muslim men when it is a price to pay, they are first in line. They are the first in the community-service line. They are the first in jihad line, he declared to applause. At the end of the imams incendiary speech, a representative of the Ethiopian group walked to the podium and declared the speech was not calling for jihad. Just a disclaimer, the emcee said. Imam Shakir, hes not advocating for armed struggle in Ethiopia. Hes just simply giving us a lesson. Well just continue with our non-violent struggle until these guys who are in prison [in Ethiopia] who did not bow down for this repressive government are free. Imam Johari Abdul-Malik, the press secretary for the imams Dar al-Hijrah mosque, did not respond to messages from The Daily Caller. If Dar al-Hijrah were like most American religious institutions it would fire Elsayed, but its not like most religious institutions, John Rossomando, a researcher at the Investigative Project on Terrorism. The mosque operates as a front for Hamas [and] has the distinction of being connected with more terror plots than just about any other mosque in America, he said in a statement to TheDC. Ethiopia is a majority-Christian country and has defended itself from encroaching Muslims armies for more than 1,000 years. Currently, Muslims in Ethiopias Ogaden region complain that the central government has not given them autonomy. Ethiopian muslims are protesting against perceived government interference in their activities [and] observers fear the latest move by the government would spark protests by muslims in the Horn of Africa country, said a website run by Badr Ethiopia, an Ethiopian Muslim group. The group cites the controversial Council on American Islamic Relations as an affiliate. Elsayeds comments add to his history of controversial statements that match orthodox Islam, but which clash with American culture. In 1990, for example, The New York Times quoted him saying that the murder of a radical Jewish nationalist in New York was legal under Muslim law. The murder of rabbi Meir Kahane was not a violation, in the sense that Kahane adopted a position against all Arabs and Muslims, said Elsayed, according to the Times. According to numerous Islamic leaders, Islamic law endorses the use of war to expand the rule of Islam. The law, dubbed Shariah, also endorses the killing of Islams critics, including poets Christian preachers, and it allows only grudging recognition of non-Islamic governments. For orthodox Muslims, civilian law is subordinate to Islamic requirements. That provision has been implemented, at least in part, in Egypts new 2012 constitution. The constitution was mostly written by legislators in the political party created by the international Muslim Brotherhood organization. Page 19

The Pine Woods Bible Class

By W. H. Wilson

Teacher. We are now about to engage in the study of our third lesson. I am well pleased with our work, so far, and I trust the good work will continue. What is the subject chosen for study tonight? Albert. By general consent, the following has been selected: MAY HAVE A RIGHT. Teacher. What Scripture have you chosen as a starting point for our study? Arloa. Rev. xxi. 14, has been chosen: Teacher. Please read it. Arloa. Blessed are they that do His commandments that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." Teacher. People, generally, are very sensitive over their personal rights, and will often times, hotly contend for them. That to which a person has a legal right to possess, he will boldly claim as his own. If property has been left him by will, he does not go into the Probate Court to beg for possession, but to claim it as a right. My mind reverts to a very rich possession and it depends largely upon the personal acts of the heirs as to whether they can claim the inheritance or not. The right I speak of relates to the tree of life and an entrance into the beautiful city of the New Jerusalem, the glorious city of our God. If you have a right to this in heritance, you can claim to it by right. If you have not, then you may have an undisputed right, by complying with the terms which pledges you a right. Q. What are the terms?

This is lesson three from the book The Pine Woods Bible Class by W.H. Wilson. They are the result of many years of careful and critical study, being an honest endeavor to arrive at a more accurate understanding of Holy Scripture, unbiased by the creeds and opinions of men. These lessons were prepared more especially for the instruction of YOUNG PEOPLE. An effort has been made to make the lessons very simple and plain. For more information on W.H. Wilson, see the March issue of the eHerald. For the first two chapters see, March and Aprils eHerald.

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Bessie. They are given as follows: Blessed are they that do his .Jesus. commandments that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." Q. Do many find the way to the tree of life? A. They do not. Q. How so? A. Because "strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life; and few there be that find it." Matt. vii. 14. Q. Why is it so difficult to find? A. Because it needs careful instructions, and also care in following out those instructions. Q. "Who can pass the gate'? A. "He that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Matt. vii.21. Q. Will some seek an entrance into the Kingdom, who have no right to enter at all? A. They will, and will even attempt to plead their own case with the Lord, as follows: "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesiedtaughtin thy name? and in thy name cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?" Q. How will their argument affect the Lord? A. His reply will be, "I never knew you. "I am the good Shepherd, and know my sheep." Q. Don't you suppose that these people professed to be Christians? A. Oh, yes, there can be no doubt about that. Q. Dont you suppose that at one time, they might have been genuine believers, but had lost their first love, because their life has not been as correct as it should be? A. No, I don't think that they ever were approved as genuine gospel believers. Q. And why not? A. Because the Lord said I NEVER knew you." Q. What do you suppose was the trouble with them? A. I think that it is quite evident that they never at any time had entered the "narrow way,'' through the "gate." Q. Why do you think it quite evident? A. If they really had entered, they would, at that time, at least, have been approved. But he said, "I never knew" or approved of you. Q. Do professed Christians of our time, object to the "narrow way?" A. They do. When the way of the Gospel of the Kingdom is presented, are we not told that "that way^ is too narrow for this broad and enlightened age, and we must have something broad enough to take in all Christians. Besides, you are such a little flock,' and 'few there be that find it, that is, find your narrow' and contracted way.'? Q. Is it any wonder that Jesus will say unto such people, "I never knew you? A. No. Q. Why? A. Because "He that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." l John ii. 4. Q. What are we to understand by the words, "the truth?" A. Some specific definite truth, as is indicated by the use of the definite article "the." Q. What is the design of "the truth?"

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A. Says Jesus, "ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Q. Will any truth, do this? A. No, nothing short of "the truth," will set free.
l Q. Now, I want to ask, what is "the truth" otherwise called? A. "The word of the truth of the gospel." Q. What does it set free from? A. From sin, when it is believed and obeyed. Q. What Scripture evidence have you? A. See Rom. vi. 18: "But God be thanked that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness." Q. How were they "made free from sin?" A. "Ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine;" Q. Should we observe the "form," alone, but have no "heart" in the act, will that be sufficient to bring salvation? A. Oh, no! Such people only deceive themselves. Q. Another person may say, well, I will pay no attention to the "form," the spirit of the matter is the main thing, anyhow. Will that answer? A, It cannot. Q. Why? A. Because God never adds anything' that is superfluous to his commands, that we may observe, or not, just as we may feel about it. Q. What "form" of obedience is required, in order to be properly "baptized into Jesus Christ?" A. "BURIED with him by baptism. Rom. vi. 4; Col. ii. 13, 14. Q. What "form" does the above Scripture require? A. A burial. Q. Well, suppose we change the "form" entirely, and substitute in its place, sprinkling, won't that form do just as well, providing that we call it, that which it is not - "baptism? A. That is impossible. Q. Why so? A. Because, Rom. vi, 17, requires us, to "obey from the heart that FORM of doctrine which was delivered you," and sprinkling was not the "form" delivered" unto us. Q. Suppose we adopt the change, would that be considered as keeping the commandments of Jesus? A. It could not. Q. Why? A. Because it would be a willful disobedience of his commandments. Q. What will be the result of a failure to keep the commandments of Jesus? A. A forfeiture of all rights to the "tree of life," and of an "entrance in through the gates into the city." Teacher. The time has come to dismiss. I trust that our study tonight will give food for thought during the coming week.

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Spiritual Giftedness From God Is Often Abused

By Kent Ross

Introduction: This is the fourth article (see Feb., Mar., and April's issues) in Pauls teaching on Spiritual Giftedness and this one moves us deeper into an understanding of how Christs Church was designed to work. It is always to be led and guided by Christ, its head, but it is God, His Father, who had the Plan and, in fact, is the one who organizes us . . . we who are Christs Body. Again we are reminded that: 1) God does not want us to be ignorant about spiritual gifts, or talents; 2) Every Christian has one or more unique talents, or gifts, to be used i.n the Church; 3) Those gifts are to be used for the common good of the Body; 4) By each part using his or her unique gift(s), the Body of Christ will function effectively, as does the human body, when its parts all work harmoniously. 5) But for it all to work, each part must be undergirded with a caring love, not a love of self, but of others. 6) This love outranks even faith and hope and is absolutely demanded as essential for the Body, Christs Church, to work together effectively and harmoniously, which it must do if it is to proclaim the Kingdom message to the world. 1 Corinthians 14:1-19: Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. 2 For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. 3 But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. 4 Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church.5 I would like every one of you to speak in tongues,[b] but I would rather have you prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the church may be edified. 6 Now, brothers and sisters, if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction? 7 Even in the case of lifeless things that make sounds, such as the pipe or harp, how will anyone know what tune is being played unless there is a distinction in the notes? 8 Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who Page 23

will get ready for battle? 9 So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air.10 Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning. 11 If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker is a foreigner to me. 12 So it is with you. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church. 13 For this reason the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that 14 they may interpret what they say. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. 15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding. 16 Otherwise when you are praising God in the Spirit, how can someone else, who is now put in the position of an inquirer say Amen to your thanksgiving, since they do not know what you are saying? 17 You are giving thanks well enough, but no one else is edified. 18 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. 19 But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue. What Does He Mean By Intelligible Worship? Paul, in this part of his teaching, returns to the place of tongues, as it appears to have been divisive. Some thought the gift of tongues that they were exhibiting showed them as superior Christians. Paul is having to straighten out their thinking. Paul insists that tongues are but one of the spiritual gifts given by God to us as parts of the Body of Christ, it must be understood and properly used. Notice carefully: 14:1 Desiring spiritual gifts is good, but it is love that ought to be desired and pursued for it tempers the danger of division that was evident in their midst 14:2 Tongues are directed to God, a way of communicating with Him, not communicating with the Church. Some would point to Romans 8:25-27, and indicate that these groanings refer to speaking to God in a tongue, or language we do not understand. 14:3 While tongues may not be understandable, even to the speaker, prophecy is understood by all. It is good for three things: 1) Edification, or building up people in the Body; 2) Exhortation, to encourage action on the part of the people of the Church; & 3) Consolation, which reminds us of Pauls words in 1st Thessalonians 4:13,14. 14:4 Tongues may have become a selfish gift used improperly and perhaps even arrogantly. But prophecy, Paul insists, is more useful for it benefits the entire Body of the Church. Page 24

14:5 He wished that all spoke in tongues (which alone should cause is to ponder his meaning), be he wishes more that they would prophecy for Paul insists prophecy is more valuable than are tongues, for prophecy is beneficial to all of the Church. He comes back again to reiterate that this edifies, or builds the Church, not necessarily numerically, but spiritually. 14:6 The public use of tongues apparently doesnt benefit the church much, but the plain, articulate speaking, be it a revelation (a new insight), a bit of new knowledge (perhaps gleaned from reading other Scripture), or prophecy (as to the future based upon study and insight), or teaching (often intended is the application of these others) is of more value. 14:7 in the use of an instrument it is the use of various notes in a harmonic sequence that is pleasing to the ear and understandable as a tune. To simply play many sequential notes without an intended purpose would be noise, but not music. 14:8 The use of the bugle without a correct call would not make clear it was a call to battle or for a retreat, or for some other purpose. 14:8-11 Though there are many languages they all have meaning to their sounds, but if in speaking to another who does not understand my language, my speech to him would be unintelligible, nor could he be understood if he spoke to me. 14:12 He comes back to the theme of what is best for the Church, not just what is special for an individual. Evidently many there were using tongues only for their own blessing and leaving others feeling bereft. 14:13-17 The spiritual gifts given to individuals are for ministering to the Body as a whole, to build it up and make it stronger and more effective. Tongues, specifically, may not accomplish that dependent on how they are used. 14:18-19 Paul wants to make sure they understand that he is not saying that tongues are not to be used, for he uses them more than they do. However they must understand that speaking plainly, so all can understand, is more desirable and helpful for the Church. This must be the priority for using our spiritual gifts. Now How Might We Apply Paul's Teaching: This section o/f Pauls teaching on spiritual gifts seems difficult in some aspects, but also helpful for our churches. We have not been accustomed to having tongues speaking in our churches, though in fact, there have been quite a few who privately spoke in tongues. When it has occurred in our church services the reports seem to have usually been negative, and that they were disruptive, and didnt seem to edify or build up the church. Usually, from reports, the church was left in confusion and often lost members over the issue. From what Paul writes here, we have a church that was dealing with many of the same things. The use of tongues was being done inappropriately and was causing problems in the church. But we need to recognize that Paul was not forbidding their use, though he was acknowledging difficulties that had arisen there in Corinth. Perhaps this was because the church was somewhat new and had many immature Christians in it. If they were the tongues speakers, they seem to have offended others by a superior attitude because they had received that gift from God, as they would have expressed it. Page 25

When I was teaching at Atlanta Bible College, we had a dinner guest from overseas. He, himself, spoke in tongues and felt that they were vitally important for all Christians to have. At dinner that night in our home, he prayed over a colleague and me, assuring us that we would surely receive that gift of tongues. That was ten or fifteen years ago, and neither of us has received what we were told we would. I understand, of course, that my colleague is adept in languages, such as Greek, Hebrew, German and French, but those were learned not received. I never did receive the promised tongues. Such an experience is not necessarily conclusive, but it is instructive and illustrative. In another instance in a church where I was pastoring, we were in the midst of a wonderful time of worship. Suddenly one of our regular worshippers stood up and began to speak aloud syllables none could understand. Knowing she was a good and spiritually-minded woman gave me pause as to what I should appropriately do. After a few minutes, I interrupted her and asked if she had an interpretation of what she was voicing, or if anyone else there that morning had an interpretation. She was taken aback by the question, but according to what is in this lessons and our finish of 1st Corinthians 14 (note especially verse 27) next month. She had none, and I asked her then to refrain and sit down. Upset, she left the auditorium, but later returned apologetically. That is an example of why Paul doesnt want us to be ignorant about spiritual gifts, especially about tongues, as they often provoke confusion and upset, though they should not. But in ignorance, some have responded inappropriately and hurtfully to the damage of the Body, that Body which is Christ's. C. Peter Wagner, at a seminar I attended, explained that, though he himself spoke in tongues, it had been his experience that God blesses churches with the right attitudes whether or not they could culturally accept tongues or not. That was his opinion, that God would still bless a church utilizing what gifts they would be willing and able to accept. That may be true for our churches, if it is correct, for we have not often dealt with tongues-speaking in our churches. Note though that Paul expressly says that not all speak in tongues, and not all have the same gifts. Read over his words in 1st Corinthians 12:27-31. It would also be helpful to consider Pauls words in Romans 12:3-8 for more information on the usage of gifts in light especially of them being Gods gifts to His people in the Church. He uses the term not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think. What Then Are We to Do: We probably have many misgivings about this passage on spiritual gifts, but Paul makes it clear that we ought not be ignorant about them. That God has given them to individuals in the Church is evident. It is important that we dont remain in ignorance of them. In doing so, we deny what the Lord has recorded for us through his servant Paul. It is how we use them in the church that we need to consider. They are given for the common good of the Body of Christ, and they are for the benefit of the Body. So though they can be misused and abused, they should be considered and each one encouraged to use his or her gift, or talent. Next month, as this study comes to an end, Paul expresses his concerns about the functioning of the church, especially being concerned about the health of the Body of Christ. Page 26

The Fig Tree Has Budded

By Bruce Lyon

We observe that Israel was a dried tree for about 1900 years and then miraculously the branch put forth leaves in one day on May 14, 1948. Note: Rabbi Menachem Kohen of Brooklyn discovered that the land of Israel "suffered an unprecedented, severe and inexplicable (by anything other than supernatural explanations) drought that lasted from the first century until the 20th; a period of 1,800 years coinciding with the forced dispersion of the Jews." Journalist Joseph Farah, prompted by the research of Rabbi Kohen, later discovered that only after the Jews returned did the rain begin to come. When one examines the rainfall data for 150 years in Israel beginning in the early 1800s and leading up to the 1960s. What one finds is astonishing; increasing rainfall almost every single year; with the heaviest rainfall coming in and around 1948, when Israel became a nation and 1967, the year when the Israeli forces captured Jerusalem. For 1,800 years, it hardly ever rained in Israel. It was the barren land as Mark Twain discovered . So-called "Palestine" was a wasteland; nobody lived there. There was no indigenous Arab population to speak of. They came after the Jews came back. Beginning in A.D. 70 and lasting until the early 1900s; about 660,000 days; almost no rain. Jesus told us that when this happens his return is at the doors. He said that the generation that saw this would by no means pass away. A generation is the lifetime of a person and that is on average between seventy or eighty years. Thus, according to the above considerations we could write out our equation in the following manner: 1948 + 70 = 2018 OR if by reason of strength 1948 + 80 = 2028

The parable of the fig tree was the answer to the disciples' original question at the beginning of the chapter: As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?" (Matthew 24: 3). The observant student of scripture has noted that this reference to when the end of the age will be is in seeming contradiction to Jesus' own words in Acts 1:6-8. Page 272

Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, `Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?' And he said to them, `It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth,' (Acts 1:6-8). This apparent contradiction is resolved however, when we consider just who Jesus was talking to; the disciples that he was speaking to in Acts were the same men who; only some forty days earlier, he had told what to look for at the end of the age. And the sign that he told them would definitively mark the beginning of the generation that would see the end was nothing less than the fig tree putting forth its branch and becoming tender. Thus, the solution is the fig tree. They asked a question which he had already answered for them; look for the revival of the fig tree (which Jesus had pronounced cursed). In other words, there was no point in looking for the end of the age so long as Israel was a dried tree! There was no point in looking for the second coming so long as the fig tree remained cursed (that is: not a nation). Only when it would become tender could the restoration of the kingdom occur. That is why Jesus told the disciples of what they would receive in the meantime ("but you shall receive power") and what their task was to be ("and you shall be witnesses to me") until the revival of the fig tree and ultimately his coming. Therefore, until the fig tree (Israel) was revived, there would be no restoration of the kingdom to Israel; which is of course only logical: Israel cannot have the kingdom if they do not exist as a national entity (a dried tree). But within a generation (lifetime of a person) of the revival of the fig tree (Israel) the kingdom will be restored in the millennial/messianic era. Occupy Until He Comes We have seen that the biblical interpretation of the fig tree is clearly Israel. We have also seen that a generation is the lifetime of a person which according to Psalm 90:10 is generally 70 or 80 years. Whether or not the Lord is required to return within 80 years exactly we obviously cannot be dogmatic. Nevertheless, in light of the incredible accuracy of His first coming, we ought to be persuaded that the above dates are both reasonable and likely. The Lord's second coming, therefore, appears to be between 2018 2028. The beginning of the Great Tribulation (subtract seven years) then would most likely commence between 2011 2021. Remember we are to know the times and the seasons, yet Jesus said very literally that the day and the hour no one can know. The Lord's second coming between 2018 and 2028 is seemingly the time and the season, but is not predictive of the day or the hour. In light of the events that are happening in numerous categories (economics, natural disasters, etc.) on a global scale, the Lord's return within the 80 years from the reestablishment of Israel in 1948 appears almost certain. Nevertheless, no matter when the Lord returns, occupy until He does and tell others the good news of the gospel. Heed Jesus' warning: "Constantly be on your guard so that your hearts may not be loaded down with self-indulgence, drunkenness, and the worries of this life, or that day will take you by surprise like a trap. For it will come on all who live on the face of the earth. So be alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and to take your stand in the presence of the Son of Man." (Luke 21:34-36 ISV). Page 28

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