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Thomas Alva Edison

Ever wondered where the light bulb came from? Thomas Alva Edison made his own company. Edison illuminating company for his genius, amazing ideas, also he created his own lab. Thomas Alva Edison will be remembered to this day for everything he did. Thomas Alva Edison, was born on February 11th, 1847.He lived in Milan (Italy) with his mum and dad who spent most of their time at work. As a child he got home taught by his mum. When Thomas moved to America he had six children, with his wife Mina Edison. Thomas started school at the age of 12 years old, he only attended for 12 weeks. When Thomas was 13 he was home schooled by his mum. In 1859, Thomas started making money on the market selling fruit, after he finished on the market, he was employed to print newspapers. Thomas Edison started to invent at the age of 17 years old. That is when he started to create the light bulb. It took Thomas 1999 attempts to create the light bulb, he did it on his 2000th attempt. He was famous from that day on. Thomas will be remembered from this day on for everything he did for us. Thomas unfortunately died of diabetes. He died October 13th, 1931 at the age of 84. He also is remembered for saving a 3 year old girl from getting run over.

By Tyler

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