Divorce Teks 03

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Agung: Hi, good afternoon. Rico : Hi.

Agung: How are you? You look sad. Rico : Not to bad, and you?

Agung: I am fine, why you look so sad? Rico : I am so sad, i still alone without one of family.

Agung: Why? Rico : I am so nearvous about the meeting with the judge tomorrow.

Agung: What happend? Rico : My parents have any problem in home and solve this problem in the court. Agung: I am sorry to hear that. So, why are ypu sad? Rico : Because my parents will divorce.

Agung: Oh, no. Divorce parent is separated of husband and wife. Its sound not good. Rico : I cant be comfortable in my home.

Agung: Yes, i see. Thats a pity. Rico : Single parent is not good for me, i just still alone.

Agung: No, it is the best for you, it can save you from any problem. Rico : I think so, but i cant be happy with it.

Agung: You dont look sad, because you can make your mother and your father look sad too. Rico : I do not promise.

Agung: I always help you, from every problem. Rico : Thank you Gung.

Agung: Dont be sad, keep your smile! Rico : Ok, i will keep my smile.

Agung: Youre welcome. Rico : See you.

Agung: See you.

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