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Letter to the Editor Sham Immigration Hearing Week of April 29

What's the point of holding a Congressional Committee hearing if no one is going to bother to read the proposed legislation beforehand? That's exactly what happened at the April 22nd Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the immigration bill. Our government has gotten so out-of-control that it is now commonplace for dense legislation to receive almost zero serious scrutiny. Recall that with Obamacare, Members of Congress placed their vote and then later admitted that they had not read the contents of the bill. The proposed amnesty legislation will affect every aspect of American life, including our national security, our welfare programs, taxes and spending, and our health care system. The stakes are very high, and the American public should be given enough time to learn about what it is this 840-page bill. We need to remind Senator (insert name of your U.S. Senator [exclude Senators Sessions, Paul, Lee, and Cruz]) that the government works for us, and we demand an open and transparent process for this immigration bill. Join your fellow (insert name for local residents, like Floridians) this Thursday, May 2nd at 5:30 pm at (insert location) for a Citizen Intervention Against Government Addiction.

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