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Narrative Revision Sheet

Todorovs Theory of the Classic Hollywood Narrative

This theory gives the basic idea that most mainstream narratives can be broken down into 5 easily recognisable stages: Equilibrium Disruption of the equilibrium Recognition of the disruption An attempt to put things right New Equilibrium restored.

Syd Fields 3 Act Paradigm

This theory states that most mainstream lms follow a narrative structure in 3 main parts or acts. These are: Act 1: The set-up. Act 2: The confrontation. Act 3: The resolution. To put it another way - a beginning, middle and end.

Parts of a Film Narrative

Opening - The very start of the lm, the rst
5-10 minutes. Set-Up - The rst section in the lm, usually the 1st act. Exposition - How information is conveyed to the audience. Conict - The obstacles the hero must overcome in order to provide drama and interest for the audience. Confrontation - The second act. Climax - The main scene of confrontation that the lm has been building to. Resolution - The new equilibrium, how the world of the characters is left after the climax.

An important term to use when discussing the endings of War of the Worlds.
It refers to a plot device where the main conict of the lms narrative is resolved through some accidental or god-like means rather than through the heros own actions. Seen as something of a cop-out and unsatisfactory for audiences it is not often used any more. Context: War of the Worlds was an enojoyable lm but I felt that the deus-exmachina ending really left me wondering why the audience were following Rays character.

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