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NGO Name NGO Number (if already registered with the EYF) NGO Type PROJECT RESPONSIBLE
Who is in charge of this project? This person will be the contact person for all questions and comments concerning this activity (application and report) First name Surname Email Telephone

Ready, steady, go!? Provide information as complete and clear as possible. Please check the FAQ on the EYF website for clarification and more information before filling in the form.

Why a title? You have 100 characters to give a short and meaningful title. If the title is symbolic, please provide explanations in the What section. Title of the project 1

Why only three options? Any activity has a core element: - either participants are made aware of something (knowledge, particular situation, particular solutions or responses), and at the end they can say I now know this or that, I am aware of this or that; this is awareness-raising; - or they develop skills and competencies to address a situation and at the end they are in a position to say: I can do this or I have the ability to do that; this is skills development; - or their skills and competencies and knowledge serve as a basis to build and develop a material or non-material outcome (for example a campaign, guidelines, recommendations, etc) and at the end they can say I have contributed to develop this or that; this is collaborative work. There might be elements linked to all three, but you have to choose what constitutes the core of your activity. Project type Awareness-raising Skills development Collaborative work

Country and town Where does the project take place? You can indicate more than one venue if necessary. GPS coordinates Why GPS coordinates? This will help us keep an updated map of NGOs and EYF-funded activities on our website. Please follow the instructions on the EYF website. Country Town GPS coordinates

WHEN? How many days will your activity last? International activities should have 4 full working days at the minimum. Travelling of participants is not included. Start day End day Number of days

What? What is this about? Summarise this activity so that people from the outside can imagine what this is about. 2

You have 3,000 characters to briefly describe what you want to do. You are talking to someone from the outside who is not familiar with what you do. You need to summarise what will happen during the activity, from the beginning to the end and to highlight the main theme and the main intentions. One important aspect of international activities financed through the EYF is the European dimension: please explain how this is included in your activity, beyond the technical aspects of inviting participants from different member states. Why? How did your idea become a project? This part is to explain the context and the need and rationale for this project. You have 3000 characters to explain the following: - How did this project come about? How did the idea start? Why did your NGO decide that this was needed, looking at the development of the organisation(s) involved, the broader context, the situation of the young people in the local community and their needs? - What is the added value of doing this activity at an international level rather than national? To achieve what? What is this activity for? Define the aim and objectives. These are the frame and the foundation for this activity. (3,000 characters) What do you want to achieve with your activity if it is 100% successful? Describe the aim and three main objectives. This is the essence of the project and should not change during the implementation, even if changes take place at other levels (methodology, for example). If you intend to produce something concrete, please mention it here (for example a resource pack that participants can use or share afterwards, development of strategic plans, etc). There will be further questions concerning the impact and outcomes later in the form.

Flow What ties your project together? This part is for you to describe the process(es) that will take place and explain the coherence in your project. (3,000 characters) Outline the concrete steps in your project and/or in your activity. What happens when? (For example, the successive sessions in the programme and the order for introducing the sessions/topics.) If you have different activities, why have you chosen to do them in this order. How does the flow help meet the objectives described above? What is the fil rouge or red thread in your activity, which ensures coherence and progression? 3

TIMELINE attach document (obligatory) Whats the plan? This is the overall plan with milestones and foreseen dates for the duration of the project PROGRAMME attach document (obligatory) What will you do with the participants? Include a draft programme that you can adapt during preparation and depending on needs of your participants. Approach How do you organise your sessions? Explain how the project team is going to accompany the participants through the process(es) mentioned in the Flow section. (3,000 characters) How will you lead the participants through a learning process? How will you ensure an active involvement of the participants at all stages? Which methods will you use? How will you ensure the intercultural learning dimension throughout this project? Who? Who will be involved? This section only concerns the direct target audience. Who will take part in your activity? How will you define the target group? Please explain in which way this target group will help you achieve the objectives set for the activity? You will be asked questions on the criteria for selection and selection procedure later in the form.

Cascading effect How will the message be spread? How will the participants share what they have learned? Explain how people who were not participating will benefit from this activity. (3000 characters) - How will the participants share what they have learnt? With whom and where? - How will the concrete results of the activity be disseminated? How and to whom? - Which influence and change do you expect within participants organisations? - Which influence and change do you hope for in civil society? For each, indicate the method of assessment envisaged, the indicators and the evaluation schedule. What qualitative measures will you follow? Learning outcomes What will the participants gain from this activity? This section deals with the way you will assess what participants 4

should gain from the experience (3,000 characters) At the end of the activity, what do you expect participants to have learnt from the experience: knowledge, skills and competencies, change in attitude? How do you plan to evaluate this? How do you think they will be able to use what they have learnt? How will this increase their participation in society? Link with Council of Europe Why apply to the Council of Europe? Text: You should explain the reasons for applying to the EYF and mention in which way this activity contributes to other work done at the Council of Europe (3,000 characters) Explain why the Council of Europe should give financial support to this activity, or, in other words, in which way does this activity support the work of the youth sector of the Council of Europe (priorities, existing programmes, concepts used by the Council of Europe, use of publications and resources from the Council of Europe)? How, in return, will you give visibility to the youth sector of the Council of Europe and the EYF? Follow up In case you plan follow-up activities, please mention them here. If not, just indicate non applicable. (3,000 characters) Is the preparation of follow-up actions in-built in your programme? Are there any follow-up activities planned in your organisation and which ones? Do you expect the participants to do follow-up actions, what would be the added value and how do you intend to support these actions?

Project team Who carries out this activity? List all the members of the project team. You need at least four nationalities represented in the team. First name Surname Ag e Sex Nationalit y Country of residence Role

You can attach CVs separately. Process What makes a team? Describe how the team will work together. 5

A project team is made up of different members who have the same goal, work together and contribute actively. They also have different skills, competencies and expertise. How will your project team work together at all stages, and how will the experience and expertise of each be taken into account? Indicate here the preparation of this activity (meetings, skype discussion, or other).

Institutional partners Will you have institutional partners? Explain the role that the partner(s) will play in the activity, and the added value of the partnership. Type Contact Email Phone Why Expertise Extra help needed? A project team sometimes needs extra help or specific expertise on one aspect (on a topic or in training or facilitation). If this is the case, describe here. First name Surname Age Se x Nationality Profile

You can attach CVs separately.

If you are a national organisation, you need to have at least 3 NGO partners from 3 other countries. The applying NGO and the 3 (minimum) partners must work together throughout the whole process (initial idea, concept, design, implementation, evaluation, etc.). There must be a valid reason why these organisations are working together (for example a common vision on a particular subject, specific expertise, previous co-operation). You are asked to explain why you co-operate with these organisations, what joint activities you have carried out over the past 2 years, what role each organisation will play in the process and if the organisations are known to the EYF. A partner is not: - an individual - an organisation only sending participants but not having any other role. 6

Please fill in the following information for each partner: NGO Name Website Country Email contact Details of joint activities since 2 years (attach a separate document if necessary) Is the NGO known to the EYF? Why this cooperation? Who will do what?

Participants by country Where from? You need participants from a minimum of 7 member states of the CoE. You should ensure a balanced geographical scope. Country Number

Total number of participants Age range How old can they be? Youth at the CoE is defined as between 15 and 30. You are allowed to have participants younger or older within a limit of 25%. Less than 15 years Between 15 and 30 years Over 30 years Total (= total number by country) Participants profile Who are you looking for? This completes information already provided in the section Who Mention here the criteria for selection of the participants. We would like to remind you that you should as much as possible try to keep a gender balance. What procedure will you use? How will you chose the (through an open call, going through your networks(s), calling on specific partners? 7

Bear in mind that, if your grant application is accepted, you will have to send a signed list of participants when submitting your final report. A model list of participants is available on the EYF website.

BUDGET You are required to fill in a table indicating the draft budget of your activity split into 3 phases: preparation, activity, follow-up. Bear in mind that the EYF cannot cover more than two-thirds of the total cost of an international activity. The draft budget should be as detailed as possible, indicating all anticipated expenses and income. A model budget is available on the EYF website. ATTACHMENTS Anything to add? If you wish, you can attach two further documents related to your application. Please make sure that they add relevant information and not just copy what has already been filled in.

IMPORTANT Your application form will not be examined without the following documents: o o o Timeline (overall plan with milestones and foreseen dates for the duration of the project Programme (draft programme that you can adapt later) Budget (using the template available on the EYF website)

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