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Student Name

Class Period

Grade Rubric for the TKAM Notebook

Required Component For Full Credit Notebook is securely bound in a binder or report folder, with all documents in the correct order. The front cover (or first page) of the binder has the books title and author, the students name and class period, and an illustration or artistic element. Everything is presented neatly and professionally. One per chapter, in order, typed or in ink. Each follows the formatting shown on page 2 of the Unit Packet. Each chapter is worth 5 points: 2 points for 2 defined vocab words, 2 points for 2 answered quiz questions, and 1 point for 1 cited quotation. Blank sheet of printer paper, in color, done neatly. Labels and/or key are used to identify landmarks. At a minimum, map should include the Finch House, Radley House, Dubose House, Miss Rachels house, school, courthouse, etc. correctly placed according to Ch. 1. Blank sheet of printer paper, uses color, labeled clearly, done neatly. Accurately places the following people: Simon Finch, Mrs. Simon Finch, Atticus Finch, Mrs. Atticus Finch, Jeremy Atticus Finch, Jean Louise Finch, John Hale Finch, Alexandra Finch Hancock, James Hancock, Henry Hancock, Mrs. Henry Hancock, Francis Hancock Picks (and clearly identifies) a narrator other than Scout and retells a scene from the book from that characters perspective, staying true to the facts of the book. Correct use of grammar, spelling, etc.; typed or in ink. Minimum length is 2 large paragraphs. Newspaper article retells the Who, What, When, Where, Why, How of a scene from the book. Accurate in its facts from the book; at least two paragraphs in length, using good grammar, spelling, etc. Provided song (lyrics with title) and went line-by-line and explained how this song relates to TKAM. Written in ink or typed. Minimum length of song is one verse PLUS chorus, with each line explained. Two-stanza poem, typed or in ink. One stanza is about a TKAM character, the second is about a real person from history or students life. Each stanza is at least 6 lines long and shows how that person is courageous, comparing the two subjects. Turned in Late? Final Score Point s Possi ble Point s Earn ed

Physical Construction


Daily Chapter Assignments


Map of Maycomb


Finch Family Tree


Somebody Elses Shoes


Maycomb Tribune


Song Lyrics


Poem of Courage


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