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The 22 and the 24 President Grover Cleveland



Name First name Date of Birth Place of Birth Parents names Job before becoming President Spouse Children Political Party Date of election Date of re-election Death: when & how Choose an anecdote you like and explain it with simple words

His name was Cleveland. His first name was Stephen Grover. He was born on the 18th March 1837. Grover Cleveland was born in Caldwell, New Jersey. His parents names were Richard and Ann. He was a lawyer. He was married to Frances. He had five children: Ruth, Esther, Marion, Richard and Francis. He was a Democrat. He was elected on the 4th November 1884. He was re-elected on the 8th November 1892. Grover Cleveland died on the 24th June 1908 of a heart attack. Single, he felt uncomfortable in the White House and confided to a friend that he had to go to dinner but would prefer a pickled herring, Swiss cheese and a chop rather than French cuisine.

Sources : Illustration : Laura, 3B

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