James Garfield (Quentin)

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The 20 President of the USA James GARFIELD

Name First name Date of Birth Place of Birth Parents names Job before becoming president Spouse Children Political party Date of election Date of re-election Death : when and how Anecdote Source :

His name was Garfield. His first name was James. He was born on the 19th November in 1831. He was born in Orange, Ohio. His parents names were Abram and Eliza. He was a teacher. He was married to Lucretia Garfield. He had seven children (five boys and two girls). He was Republican. He was elected in 1880. He wasnt re-elected. His death on the 19 September in 1881.He was killed. He met his wife in a school, his wife was his student.

http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Garfield#.C3.89ducation.2C_mariage_et_d.C 3.A9but_de_carri.C3.A8re Portrait trouv sur le site : http://servatius.blogspot.fr/2010/09/james-garfield1881-us-president.html Quentin 3D

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