Master Thesis

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id=Rl5uXpUeVYUC&printsec=frontcover&hl=sr#v=onepage &q&f=false The marriage of heaven and hell holds a uniqur position among the works presente d by blake in his series of illuminated books. It came early in the sequence, be ing preceded only bu the songs of Innocence and the book of THel and differs fro m these and from all the other books by being written principally in prose, and it was blake;s first full scale attempt to present his philosophic message. It is believed that blake began to compose the marriage of heaven and hell in ab out 1789, when he was already aged 32, having had 10years since emerging from hi s apprenticeship as an engraver, during which he developed his mental attitudes by though and reading.His output as poet and pictorial artist had been limitid t o the poetical sketches of his adolescence and songs of innocence and the book o f Thel of his young manhood and a few minor books. His flair for effective use o f satire had been adumbrated in his high spirited burlseque, kept only in manysc ript and known as An island in the moon.

Plate 1 Sets the scene of the book, introducing the principal participants, the Angel(Re ason)and the Devil(Imagination)uniting in their consumation of the marriage of h eaven and hell. Plate 2 A prose poem, in with Blake, as "Rintrah", chastises Society as he sees it, dege nerate and apathetic, devoid of energy and Imagination, and welcomes the era of revolution that was dawning in europe. Plate 3 Describes the Swedenborgian attitude of the conventional good Angel, sterile and unimaginative, while the Newborn Terror is being born by Revolution with conseq uent liberation from restrictive morals. Announces blake's doctrine of Contratie s.

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