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Forgotten Bliss Fine and dandy, all was bliss, But tables turned, something went a miss!

I have become a victim of cause and effect, A disaster left me with a great defect! Yet what transpired, I cannot recall, Probably an accident or a very bad fall, From a building that is adequately tall. All that I know is that I got up on a hospital bed, Beat up, injured so bad I had to be fed. Behold! Look at the people all around, In the streets, the fields, all so sound. To and fro, they move unbound! Free to jump, free to run, free even to dance! Yet I lie here incapacitated, staring at the celling, With corroding sorrow that I have been so well concealing. I wish I were they or anything other than me. Envy has tempted me from their presence to flee. Occasional visits by my Good Doctor give me hope, He talks of physiotherapy, He says it will help me move again like I once did. He says I will even be better if I so choose. But the few times I tried, It stung, hurt so bad I cried, Unpleasant, I found it rough, Enfeebled, I am just not that tough. Afraid, I can't face this pain. I would rather from this activity refrain, So I avoid it like one with a good brain.

But the Good Doctor still insists its the only way, No short-cuts to this, don't know what to say. I have to gather courage, I have my to pick crutches, And do the arduous torturous stretches, So that I may again run and jump in the meadow, Instead of staring at it through the window. In this case pain is gain, I say pain is gain! For I will not in this state for life remain! So help me Good Doctor, Help me tough it out, Glory be to Jesus Christ the Good Doctor! October 27, 2012, Dominic Thuku (P. St. Dominic Savio)

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