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Kila Parnell 12/12/10

The Birth of the Gecko

Have you ever wondered how the moo (gecko) came to be? Well this is how it began. There once was a ten year old boy named Ki with silky black hair and sea blue eyes who lived on the island of Hawaii. Ki was very naughty. He was always getting into trouble and was not afraid of anyone. He was as crazy as a mongoose drinking coffee. Then, just as he was about to take a little kids eke (basket), the bird god Lo got tired or his naughtiness and swooped down on Kis village. Halt! You have done enough, Lo commanded. Ki was shocked. Was he really that bad? What did I do? I didnt do anything, Ki whimpered. So the bird god took Ki to his nest. There Ki found ten other people Lo had already taken for being naughty. Ki introduced himself, Hi. My name is Ki, and became friends with the other captives. Everyday, Lo fed Ki and the other people with ula (breadfruit) and sometimes uala (sweet potato). However, the captives still wanted to escape and return their villages. So, they decided to make a plan: they would make weapons with the rocks and sticks that they found in the nest and try to kill the bird god when he returned. Finally, they saw Lo flying through the air on his way back to the nest.

It is time, Ki called out to the others. The captives quickly grabbed their weapons from the hiding place and stood ready. As soon as Lo was within range, they started to throw their spears and use their maa (sling) to kill him, but the bird god was too strong. They slashed and swiped saying, Take this, and Take that. But the bird god was too powerful. In an instant, Los eyes turned purple with rage. With a loudROOARR, the bird god transformed each captive into a bright green gecko!!! Ki and the others screamed in terror, as they began to shrink down to the ground on all fours and their skin started to turn bright green with yellow splotches of color. Their mouths widened across their face as their ears disappeared. When Ki tried to talk, all that came out was a high pitched, Click, click, click. From that day on, geckos came to live on the Hawaiian Islands.

The End!!!

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