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Martin Farias Karla Lozano

COUNT RY: DATE : YE S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N O

Norway 23/04/13

DESCRIPTION The blogs name is Liceo Physical Education The blog contains a custom design The blog contains a background image APPEARAN CE The blog contains at least 6 different and interesting widgets The blog contains different pictures related with the subject of Physical Education The blog contains a profile picture The blog contains a page called HOME The blog contains a page called VIDEOS The blog contains a page called ACTIVIDADES VESPERTINAS The blog contains a page called NUEVOS PROYECTOS The blog contains a page called INTRAMUROS The blog contains a page called MAESTROS HOME: A picture and a motivational phrase related with Physical Education VIDEOS: A description of the video you already created it and the video ACTIVIDADES VESPERTINAS: A list and schedules of the activities our school has after 2:00 pm NUEVOS PROYECTOS: A short explanation of your new sport and your document INTRAMUROS: A description of this project and pictures OPINION

The blog is okay, has a good appearance, there are missing a little things but is almost complete.


It has all the pages complete.


It has all the pages but they didnt put the requirements that the teacher ask for.

MAESTROS: A list of teachers that work in the subject of Physical Education and coaches

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