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Learning Experience Plan

Subject: English Unit: Uglies Topic: Elements in a Story Reading Standard for Literature 3: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). Reading Standard for Literature 6: Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text. Speaking and Listening 1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. E. Seek to understand other perspectives and cultures and communicate effectively with audiences or individuals from varied backgrounds. Learning Experience Outcomes Students will: Enhance their understanding about keys elements in a story such as setting, characterization and the conflicts in the novel Learning Experience Assessments Differentiation Approaching These students have been broken up into certain groups so that they are all on the same page and are able to work together as the novel progresses with help from the other members as well as the teacher Grade level: 7th grade Day/periods: Monday 4/22/2013 Per. 1, 2, 4, 6&7

Guided Reading Questions Notes Small group discussion along with class discussion Quiz on Wednesday

On-level These students have been broken up into certain groups because they are able to read the novel at the same pace and will be able to help one another with understanding the text and the group work they will receive with little help from the teacher

Beyond These students have been assigned to their groups because they read at a faster pace than the rest of the class and will need little to no help from the teacher when discussing the text with their groups and completing the group work

Curriculum Integration

Materials/ Resources


Day 1 Smart Board PowerPoint Story Elements Notebook paper Writing Utensils Guided Reading Packets Text: Uglies Anticipatory Set (focus question/s that will be used to get students thinking about the days lesson) Aim: We are going to explore the, Setting, Characterization and the Conflicts of the novel Uglies and how these elements tie a story together Sponge Activity (activity that will be done as students enter the room to get them into the mindset of the concept to be learned) Students are to copy down their homework when walking into class because they are going to be broken up into their respective reading groups immediately so that we can begin the lesson Homework: continue reading Uglies and answering guided reading questions Group A: 4/29/2013 Part 2 is to be completed Group B: 4/29/2013 Chapters 9-20 are to be completed Group C: 4/29/2013 Chapters 7-16 are to be completed **Quiz on Wednesday!

Activating Prior Knowledge (what information will be shared with/among students to connect to prior knowledge/experience) Direct Instruction (input, modeling, check for understanding) First, as students enter, have the PowerPoint titled Story Elements up on the smart board and ready to go when the students enter the class (aim and homework are the first slide Second, break the students up into their reading groups and allow them to discuss what they have read thus far in the text Third, have the slides (Setting, Characterization and Conflicts) show one-by-one on the smart board and reconvene the class as a whole to take notes and have a discussion with the slides Allow the students to come up to the board and fill out notes (One at a time!) Forth, close the lesson by referring back to the aim/objective

Guided Practice (how students will demonstrate their grasp of new learning) First, give a quick review of the definitions of Setting, Characterization and Conflicts (internal and external) Second, students are going to be allowed to converse with their small reading groups about the chapters of the text which they are to have read for today and to take notes on the 3 specific elements that we are going to be talking about today Third, the small groups will be pulled back together for a class discussion about the three story elements and will be taking notes along with the slides that will be shown in the PowerPoint

Closure (action/statement by teacher designed to bring lesson presentation to an appropriate close) Refer back to the aim with a class discussion about how story elements are used by authors to help put a story in motion Remind them of the homework and to study for their quiz

Independent Practice (what students will do to reinforce learning of the lesson) For homework, students will continue reading their scheduled chapters for their particular group and complete the guided reading questions. They are to also study for their quiz on Wednesday

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