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Name: ___________________________________________

Schedule: ____:________ Bim: _____ Module: ENGI 4

Unit 3
Writing Assignment
What are some services you usually get?
1. I usually have my hair cut once a month at
2. ..
3. ..
4. ..
5. ..
6. ..
Imagine you are making a party. What will you ask your friends do for it?
1. I will have David G. play some music at the party.
2. ..
3. ..
4. ..
5. ..
6. ..

Write a paragraph about the things your parents used to have you do when you were a child.
My parents used to have me make my bed before I went to school. They also


Answer the following questions. Use your creativity. Then, write 5 more questions and answers.

1. What did you have your best friend do yesterday? I had my best friend rent a car for me.
2. What will you have Brad Pitt do when you strike it rich? ..
3. What would you make a bully do?........................... ....
4. When did you have Bill Gates clean your bathroom?.................
5. How often do you have Megan Fox fix the roof?..........

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