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Noe Vasquez CHEM 1111.

2004 Due 7-22-2012 Water of Hydration Experiment 7 Objective: The objective of this experiment is to determine the percent of water in a hydrated salt of known and unknown formulas. Results will be compared with calculated theoretical values. Procedure: Part A. (Reversibility of Hydration) 1. Place one gram of hydrated CuSO4.5H20 in an evaporating dish. Observe and report color. 2. Gently heat dish set up on ring stand. Observe changes and record. 3. Add drops of water to evaporating dish. Observe changes and record. Part B. (Percentage of Water in Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate) -The percentage of water can be determined in a hydrated salt by heating it to remove the water and calculating the lost weight. 1. Weigh a dry 25ml crucible and lid, record weight. 2. Add 3 to 4g of MgSO4.7H2O to crucible and record weight total of crucible and hydrate. 3. Heat crucible to dull red for 15 minutes. Allow lid to fit offset. This will allow vapor escape. 4. Allow crucible to cool to room temperature. 5. Weigh crucible, lid, and anhydrous MgSO4 and record. 6. Calculate the percent of water in MgSO4 and record. 7. Calculate theoretical percent H2O using formula. Part C. (Percentage of water in an unknown hydrate) 1. Obtain an unknown hydrated salt along with formula weight of the anhydrous salt and record. 2. Repeat the procedures in Part B with unknown hydrate. 3. Calculate the percent of water in the unknown. 4. Calculate the water of hydration of the unknown using the formula weight of the anhydrous salt.

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