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Nama : ERI PUTRA DEVA NPM : 12212518 KELAS : 1EA18

WRITING A: excuse me Sir? B: Yes, come in, what is it susan? A: I would like to give the results of meetings about our sales B: ok, it's clear, please A: well Sir, so sales in 2012 yesterday we mengalamin a considerable improvement B: should know how increased kalu we receive? A: 10% PA. B: ok well please in the remote right can be tingkatka again kalu A: well, Sir, oh I want to discuss it a resignation about me Sir B: do you want to resign from the company? Why? Not at home? A: it's not that Sir, but I would like to focus more with my family B: good lah, but you think more decisions that you take true or false A: well Sir, B: ok don't get wrong in taking keputsan, because the company needs someone who is diligent and clever like you A: very good Pack B: Yes already kalu no wish to pass on any more you can get out of my room and went back to work with kkembali A: good Sir thanks for your understanding B: Yes both A: me Sir, excuse me out, good afternoon? B: ok thanks for the report,, good afternoon.

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