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Garlic price and shallot in Makassar, Sulawesi South, in last week continue to experience of increase. Do not half the battle, tired increase of price once fold from price before all, garlic price which usually only Rp25 thousand, was now sold at the price of Rp55 till Rp 60 thousand perkilo of gram. Increase of price also happened in small red pepper which nowadays have reached price of Rp 36 thousand perkilo of gram. Though before all, price of only Rp20 thousand perkilo of gram. Later;Then sold by previous frizzy cabe of merchant at the price of Rp 20 thousand perkilo of gram, nowadays become Rp40 thousand per his kilogram. Later;Then tomato price also experience of increase of price of Rp1.000Menjadi Rp4Ribu perkilo of gram. One of the merchant, Rosmawati tell, going up of the onion price triggered by because lack of stok which in marketing. He also not yet known cause of is lack of stok. But making Rosmiati rather is, their production experience of degradation, even lose. Meanwhile, one of the buyer, concerned Enough Hasnah gone up onion price him and followed by a number of other staples. Hasnah confess have to bright buy to economize expenditure, so that/ to be can buy other staple like cabe, onion, sugar, vegetable oil, and other adfor. Hasnah also ask government to watch market price and look for solution which good to condition in this time. " We expect government can depress this requirement prices," word of Hasnah hope, materials of pkok like shallot , price red pepper and garlic of in degrading, so that society can mapu to buy the staple.

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