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Primary Three Second Term Part 2

Mathematics is where numbers fly like pigeons in and out of your head. ~Carl Sandburg



Class: 3 /................

Unit 4

Illustrate Fractions: Games:

Unit 4 (Lesson 1) The Meaning & Reading Fractions

1) What fraction does the colored part show? Circle the fraction
1. 2. 3.

1 2 4.

1 3

1 4 5.

1 2

1 3

1 4 6.

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 2 7.

1 3

1 4 8.

1 2

1 3

1 4 9.

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 2 10.

1 3

1 4 11.

1 2

1 3

1 4 12.

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 2

1 3

1 4

2) Circle the shape that shows three thirds.

1. 2.

3) Circle the shape that shows four fourths.

1. 2.

4)Find the shapes that show thirds.

1 . 2 .

1 Color 3 .

5) Find the shapes that show fourths

1 . 2 .

1 Color 4 .

6) What fraction does the colored part show? Circle the fraction.
1. 2.

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 2

1 3

1 4

7) a) How many Thirds are there in one?

b) How many sixths are there in one? c) a) How many ninths are there in one?

8) Write the following fractions in numbers:

a) Nine tenths = c) An eighth e) A quarter = =
........ ......... ........ .........

b) Three elevenths = d) Third =

........ ......... ........ .........

........ .........
........ .........

f) Three quarters = h) One eleventh =

........ .........
........ .........

g) Four ninths =

9) Complete:
a) 1 = d) 1 =
9 .........
4 .........

b) =
........ 8

........ = 20

1 =
........ .........

c) 1 = =
........ .........

........ .........

11 .........

........ .........

........ .........

e) There are halves in a whole one. f There are fifths in a whole one. g) There are sevenths in a whole one.

10)Write a fraction to show how much of the shape is shaded.

1. 2 . 3.








11 . 14.


13 .

15 .




Unit 4 (Lesson 2) Equal Fractions

1) Fill in the missing number to make two equivalent fractions: 1) 4 = 10 4) 6 = 4 7) 5 10 10) = 2 11) 5 = 8 8) 6 10 12) 4 5 5) 2 = 8 9) 4 8 = 4 10 = 5 3 = 6 6) 4 4 2) 2 3) 2 = 2

1 = 3 9 6 =

1 2

6 = 8 4

2) Circle the equivalent fraction

1) 6 7 11 12 3) 30 35 2 12 2 7 5) 12 2 10 11 40 44 10 2 15 14 16 32 3 4 2 7 1 6 6) 9 8 2 12 3 7 4) 6 3 2) 3 6 5 6 3 4 23 24 1 2 1 11 2 4 2 1 8 9 15 20 1 2 10 11

When the going gets tough try harder and you will succeed.

3) Complete:
1 2 4 ... 3 5 ... a) 2 4 ... 8 ... ... ...
... 2 ... 5 ... ... b)1= 4 ... 7 ... 3 ...

2 4 c) 5 ... 2 ... e) 3 9 2 17 g) 5 ... 4 ... i) 8 2 ... k) Three sevenths = ...

... l) An eighth = ...

2 ... d) 4 2
6 ... f) 18 6

2 ... h) 5 20
... j) 7 1

m) six sixths =
3 ... 6 ... ... n) 1= ... 5 ... 7 ...

Unit 4 (Lesson 3)
Simplifying (Reducing) Fractions
1) Reduce the following fraction To the simplest form.

12 24
7 21

18 24

14 21

8 16


2)Write each of the following fractions in the simplest form:

10 30 6 18

14 28

10 25

12 18

18 24


Unit 4 (Lesson 4)
Ordering & Comparing Fractions 1) Compare , put > , < or = :
1) 2)

3 7 3)

6 7 4)

1 4

2 4

4 8 5)

3 8 6)

2 3

1 3

5 9 7) 3 4

2 9 8) 2 4

7 10

8 10

1 5

4 5


2) Compare. Write <, >, or =.

1. 2.

4 10 3.

7 10 4.

1 10

4 10

3 5 5.

2 5 6.

1 9

1 9

1 7 7.

6 7 8.

1 3

2 3

4 5

1 5

1 5

1 5


4) Compare, Write <, >, or =

1) 1 10 4) 1 3 7) 1 10 10) 5 5 13) 6 9 16) 1 4 2 4 5 9 17) 14) 11) 5 10 2 3 6 8) 3 3 2 3 3 8 5 5 5) 1 5 1 5 1 3 1 8 6 18) 15) 12) 9) 7 1 5 1 1 4 7 1 7 3 9 2 3 7 4 5 2) 1 9 5 6) 4 5 3) 1 8 2 7


5)Arrange the fractions in ascending order:

1) 2 , 6 6 4 , 6 5 2) 1 , 9 4 , 9 5 3) 4 , 7 7 1 , 1

The order is : , , 4) 3 , 5 5

The order is : , , 5) 1 , 9

The order is : , , 6) 1 , 8

4 ,

2 5

3 ,

5 9

6 , 8

7 8

The order is : , ,

The order is : , ,

The order is : , ,

6) Arrange in ascending order , then in descending order: a)

5 8

9 8

1 8

, 1 ,

3 8

The ascending order is , , , , The descending order is , , , , b)

3 5

, 1 ,

2 5

4 5

1 5

The ascending order is , , , , The descending order is , , , ,



7 13

5 13

, 1 ,

2 13

9 13

The ascending order is , , , , The descending order is , , , , d) 0,

5 7

3 7

2 7

, 1

The ascending order is , , , , The descending order is , , , , e)

4 10

, 1 ,

7 10

2 10

1 10

The ascending order is , , , , The descending order is , , , , f)

5 20

1 2

7 20

, 1 ,

13 20

The ascending order is , , , , The descending order is , , , , g)

5 14

8 14

1 14

, 1 ,

1 2

The ascending order is , , , , The descending order is , , , ,


Adding & Subtracting Fractions 1) Find the result of the following:


1 12

5 = 12

b) 3 20

5 20

c) 9 20

5 = 20

d) 8 11

3 = 11


1 _

3 = 12

f) 5 16

5 = 16


9 + 20 =

1 1 + 3



7 10

3 10


5 14

= 14


2) Complete
a) 2 10 4 c) 5 9 25 9 i) 1 19 + =1 d) + 4 10 + 1 = 10 b) ( 7 20 3 7 + 3 20 ) 6 =. 20

+ =

= 1


= 1 =
7 9


1 - + 12 19 +

2 3

g) 5

+ 10 19

h) 15 19 j) 4

8 = 19

9 = 19
3 5

7 1 = 23 23


k) 1 - =

L) n)

3 2 = 5

7 = 5 9


1 = 5 5

3 5


3) Story Problems :
5 a) What is the fraction that gives the result 8 if
2 is added to it? 8

The fraction =
6 b) What is the fraction that gives a whole one if 9 is

added to it? The fraction =

4) Find the missing fraction:


The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.




Unit 5 (Lesson 1) Measuring Temperature

* Study Hard * a) The thermometer is used to measure the temperature. b) The unit of measuring temperature is called degree. c) The normal human temperature is 37.

1) Write these temperature in order from coldest to warmest:

a) 30C , 50C , 45C , 25 C The order is : , , , b) 40C , 35C , 60C , 6C The order is : , , ,

2) Write these temperature in order from warmest to coldest:

a) 15C , 40C , 20C , 12C The order is : , , , b) 18C , 0C , 9C , 32C The order is : , , ,

Unit 5(Lesson 2&3) Measuring the length & Weight 1) Choose the suitable unit :

20 centimeters 2 cm 3) 4)


50 grams

2 meters 5)

2centimeters 6)


3 meters

30 centimeters 7)

10 meter 8)

15 grams

50 km

2 meters 9)

24 cm 10)

3 centimeters 33 cm

2 meters

23 cm

7 grams

2 kg


2) Choose the suitable length :

1) 2)

6 meters 3)

7 centimeters 4)

12 centimeters

2 meters

3 Kg 5)

6 grams 6)

4 centimeters

45 cm

1 meter 7)

10 centimeters 8)

5 centimeters

50 centimeters

18 cm 9)

3 meters 10)

2 centimeters

25 cm

20 centimeters 2 centimeters

2 meters

27 cm


2) Complete:
1) 40 m =_____cm 2) 5 Km=_______m 3) 8 kg =_______ gm 4) 12000 cm =__m 7) 20 kg = ___ gm 5) 5000gm=___kg 6) 6000 m = ____km

8) 10000gm=___kg 9) 500 cm = ____m

1 10) 1 2 km = ____ m 11) 4000 cm = ___m 12) 400 cm =_____m

4) Arrange in descending order:

3005 m. , 3050 m. , 30 km. , 3 km and half The order is , , ,

5) Complete by using the suitable unit:

a) The distance between Cairo and Alexandria is measured by b) The length of the classroom is measured by c) The length of a pen is measured by

d) The suitable unit for measuring the weight of a gold work is


Unit 5 (Lesson 4) Measuring Time Study hard: 1 month = 30 days 1 day = 24 hours 1week = 7 days 1 month = 4 weeks 1 hour = 60 minutes 1year = 365 days

1) How many hours are there in three days? The Number of hours = 2) How many minutes are there in a quarter of an hour? The Number of minutes = 3) How many minutes are there in half an hour? The Number of minutes = 4) How many days are there in two weeks ? The Number of days = 5) How many minutes are there in a day? The Number of minutes =

6) How many hours are there in a month? The Number of hours = 7) Complete: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 120 minutes = hours 90 minutes = hour, minutes 2 2 days = hours

Half a day = hours 3 months = weeks 30 days = weeks , days 10 days = hours

h) An hour and 6 minutes = minutes i) 2 days and 10 hours = hours



Unit 6 (Lesson 1) Representing Data 1) Use data from the table graph to make a bar line graph., Then answer the questions

1) Did more people choose pistachio or vanilla?

2) How many people's favorite ice cream is cookie dough? 3) What is the least popular ice cream flavor? 2) What is the total number of Flavors ?


2) Draw a broken line graph to represent the following data , then answer the questions.
Money Spent on Sneakers Name Manal Morgan Jasmine Julia Money Spent 40 45 90 55

a. How much more was the most expensive sneakers than the least expensive one? b. Who spent the least amount of money on sneakers? c. How much did Morgan and Manal spend altogether on their sneakers?


3) Use data from the table graph to make a bar graph. & a broken line ,then answer the questions.

a) List the fruits in order from the fruit with the most votes to the fruit with the fewest votes. The Order is b) How many more people chose bananas than chose apples? The number of apples =


4) Make a line graph using the data in the table.

End of Week First second Third Fourth Fifth Height (in cm) 2 7 9 10 11

a. How tall was the plant at the end of week #1? b. Between which two weeks did the plant grow by 1 centimeter? c. At the end of which week(s) was the plant taller than 9 centimeters?



Unit 6 (Lesson 2) Probability Certain , Possible , Impossible

1)Write the probability of spinning each letter as in (1)& (5) 1 . The letter D 2. The letter C 3. The letter D 4. The letter D

1 out of 5 5. The letter D 6.

____ out of ____ 7. The letter

____ out of ____ 8 . The letter

____ out of ____

The letter B

__2__ out of _5___ 9. The letter B ____ out of ____ 10 .

____ out of ____ 11 . The letter

____ out of ____

____ out of ____ 12 .

The letter

The letter

____ out of ____


____ out of ____

____ out of ____

**Study Hard:
a) The probability of the IMPOSSIBLE event = ZERO b) The probability of the CERTAIN event = ONE c) The probability of the possible event between zero and one ( Fraction ) 2) If we flip a coin , we get either head or tail , complete: a) The probability of getting a head = b) The probability of getting a tail =

3) A jar contains 8 gray and 5 white balls. A ball is drawn at random , Complete: a) The probability of the drawn ball being gray is b) The probability of the drawn ball being white is 4) Choose the correct answer to express the probability of the following: a) The Sun rises in the west (Certain , Possible , Impossible) b) The probability of getting a number greater than 5 when a dice is through is (6 ,

1 6

6 6


The probability of getting a number greater than 6 when a dice is through is (Certain , Possible , Impossible) The probability of getting an odd number when a dice is through is ( 6 ,
1 6


3 6


I watch television 4 times a week (Certain , Possible , Impossible) The probability of getting the number 4 when a dice is through is (6 ,
1 6




The probability of the impossible event is (Zero , One , Fraction) The probability of getting a number 3 when a dice is through is (6 ,
1 6


, 3 )


The probability of getting heads when a coin Is through is ( 2 , 1, 2 , 0 )


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