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The Case of Bernard

Bernard, 45, married to Rebecca and has two boys and two girls. He has a successful career, and Rebecca is a stay-at-home mom. Bernard has been secretly visiting gay bars for the past 10 years. He has also been in a secret gay relationship for the past 5 years. Rebecca found out about Bernards double life, and confronted him. An altercation occurred, tempers flared, and Bernard physically harmed Rebecca. Bernard was very angry and threatened Rebecca if she disclosed his secret to anyone. During Bernards second session with the therapist, Sara, he discloses the threat made to Rebecca. He indicates to Sara that he trusts her and would appreciate it if she would never mention the threat because he wouldnt want this to get back to his work. He admits he was very angry at the time, but is no longer angry. Sara has traditional religious values and objects to homosexuality on moral grounds. Sara discloses to Bernard during their first session as part of the informed consent process. Sara admits that she is not knowledgeable about gay relationships. She commits to researching the subject and consulting with her colleagues, who have more expertise in this area. Sara now believes that she is qualified to work with Bernard. After 5th therapeutic session, it is obvious that Bernards psychological and physical condition is deteriorating, and chaos prevails at home. Sara believes that to stop counseling Bernard or to terminate the therapeutic session before the final stage means that she has failed. Sara further believes that her existential approach and being a role model will teach Bernard acceptable societal values. Sara begins by taking Bernard to popular restaurant and bar where straight couples socialize. Sara also takes Bernard to church, which emphasizes that marriage is a reunion between man and woman. Bernard eventually appears to be receptive to the warm, empathic, and mentoring relationship Sara has established. Bernard expresses his gratitude, and Sara believes that counseling has been successful (p. 135). (Corey G., Corey M.S. & th Callanan P. (2011). Issues and Ethics in the Helping profession . (8 . Ed.). Belmomt, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Instruction: Reflect on the case presented and write your take/stand on what Sara has done with her client.

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