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Susan : Morning Sir Harris : morning, what kind of the reason that make you come to my office?

Susan : are you in bussy sir? Harris : no, why?

Susan : well, actually the reason why i came here is, i want to resign sir.. Harris : why?

Susan : its nothing sir.. Harris : do you have any problem here?

Susan : no sir, it just me who want to resign.. Harris : no i mean, what is the reason that make you want to resign from this office?

Susan : it just me, that im too tired sir Harris : have you already thinking about this with clearly?

Susan : yes i have sir.. Harris : well, i think you already work verry well for this time, i think i wont agree for your resign Susan : why sir? Harris : you know ms.sue, right now our company still need you

Susan : i understand sir, but i think i cant hold it anymore Harris : what is the trully reason that make you want to resign from this company ms.sue, im sure you have another reason right? Susan : if you let me to be honest, actually its about my salary sir.. Harris : so that is the problem?

Susan : yes sir Harris : is there anything else?

Susan : i think thats all sir.. Harris : actually, how much salary do you want ms.sue?

Susan : im just ask as proper as you think sir Harris : just tell me how much do you want miss?

Susan : even my self confused too sir, bout how much salary that i want -_Harris : tell me well you know ms.sue as proper as you need

Susan : how if i ask 3,5 million per month sir? Harris : i will try it

Susan : but please dont take it too long sir *sumpah karyawan gatau diri-_-* Harris : ok, but i ask you to stay in this company..

Susan : yes sir Harris : okay ms.sue i will help you as possible as i can

Susan : thank you very much for your help sir Harris : your welcome^^ now you can go back to your work ms.sue

Susan : yes sir, i really really hope for your help sir Harris : chill out miss, i will effort for you to get a salary as proper as you need ^^

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