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Industrial Revolution


in 18th century, came to India in


of labour: Low wages Long working hours Poor working conditions No concern for safety & health

Growth of Trade Unionism


in India in 20th century of workers: United we stand



demanded economic benefits,

job security, good working conditions & participation

Scientific Management

Concept given by F.W.Taylor. Features:

Science, not rule of thumb

Harmony in group action, not discord Maximum output, not restricted output

Scientific selection, training, placement

Mental Revolution

Techniques of Scientific Management


task setting Work study: method study, motion study, time study, fatigue study. Planning the task Standardisation Scientific selection & training Differential piece wage plan Specialisation

Industrial Psychology & Behavioural Sciences

Concept Calls

proposed by Hugo Munsterberg

for application of Psychology to in Personnel testing, interviewing,

industrial purposes

attitude measurement, learning theory,

training, monotony study, safety, job

analysis, human engineering.

Human Relations Movement

Started by Elton Mayo & associates Discarded the theory given by Taylor Conducted Hawthorne Experiments from 1927- 1932 Started the trend of being nice to people Conclusions: Performance also determined by social norms Workers respond to total work situation Complaints & criticisms are symptoms of deeper problems Informal groups, informal communication & informal leadership are important in determining productivity

Growth of HRM in India

Royal The

Commission on Labour (1931)

Factories Act, 1948


relations tradition


Approaches to Managing Human Resources


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Factor of Production concept or Commodity concept or Mechanistic approach Paternalistic Concept Humanistic concept or Social System approach Personnel Management Human Resource Management HRD concept Partnership concept Human Relations Approach

Human Relations Approach

Factors affecting human relations: Individual Work group Work environment Leader
Features of human relations approach: Focus on people Ultimate goal is to make workers more productive, not just happier Seeks to build human cooperation To create a positive work environment Guidelines to achieve effective human relations

Basis Focus Philosophy Nature of function Pervasiveness Motivation & team work Techniques

PM Organisational interest Functional area of management Staff function For personnel manager Not important Pressure tactics

HRM Individual development philosophy in itself Line function For all Very important cooperation

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