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what is you gender? male female What age bracket do you t in?

15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ Do you enjoy thriller lms? yes no if no why If you have a favourite thriller lm what is it and why

How often do you watch thriller lms? every day once a week once a fortnight once a month never how much do you enjoy thriller lms? Hate them Think they are ok I like them Theyre good I love them How would you usually watch a thriller? DVD/blu-ray Television Demand services e.g Lovelm, Netix Cinemas Streaming Downloads

Would it interest you to see a thriller lm in the eye of the villain/killer rather than the hero? Yes No Do you like blood and gore in a thriller? Yes No Would kind of killer would interest you the most? Scientist Teacher Bus driver Businessman Doctor Other If other what?

What genre of thriller interests you the most? Action thriller Psychological thriller Science thriller Horror thriller Other what kind of villain would you like to see male female

Thank you for participating in this questionnaire i really helps use

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