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CAF 2 Tuesday 16 oclock Pedro Guilherme C. Silva

Dear Mr. James Gardner, Im Pedro Guilherme from the Manhattan neighborhood. Im twenty five and I have read the New Times advertisements. Theres some of these ads that I have liked a lot. Im a singer, a good singer and I want to make part of a new band. I also play guitar, drums and piano. I have started this career seven years ago, in a high school rock band. We had U2s influence. But unfortunately, some of the bands members decided to leave us. Im a serious professional and I love to sing rockn roll. Im patient, flexible and very very humoristic. Ive got a good voice and a good performance during the shows. When I was a child, I used to play my fathers piano and sing in a karaoke. My first concert was in my neighborhood, on thanksgiving day. It was a success. All the people that was there liked it a lot, and bet all the chips on me. I hope you can choose me to join this band.

Have a nice day,


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