How Does Our News Bulletin Compare To OCR

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How does our news bulletin compare to OCR?

Scripting of bulletin Much like the majority of news bulletins, our script was very formal. In the script is evidence of us using the techniques we have learnt in the classroom. An example of this is the 5 Ws (WhoWhat,When,Where and Why). By listening to the bulletin you can tell that the information has been put into a certain order and has relevance, instead of just speaking random and irrelevant pieces of information. Opening and closing We tried to make our opening jingle sound similar to OCRs; sophisticated and professional. OCRs greeting at the start was more formal than ours as their news is provided by a huge news organisation (Sky). The closing of our bulletin is when Lucy says what show is going to be on next on OCR but as their actual news is done by Sky, they cannot say what show is on next. Therefore, this makes our bulletin sound more informal. The presenter Lucy Glider was our presenter. She is a 17 year old female who has spent all her life living in the Oldham area. Her Oldham accent made the news bulletin sound more regional. Although she did not speak in Received Pronunciation like most news readers, she still managed to keep the bulletin very formal. Length of Bulletin My news bulletin lasted exactly 4 minutes and 24 seconds whereas the OCR bulletin lasted 3 minutes and 9 seconds long. This was probably down to the fact that we were new to presenting the news and our stories were longer. Range of stories Our 3 stories were: Britain losing its triple A credit rating (hard), Finding out what people were doing to raise money for comic relief (soft) and Oldham athletics impressive FA cup run (off the wall). The OCR news bulletin included 6 stories which were: The boss of the Royal bank of Scotland turns down bonus (hard), Drop in university applications (hard), Man released on bail after racist offence (hard), criminals to be stopped compensation payments (hard) Chelsea

FC give John Terry time off over racism allegations (soft) and women are better at parking than men (off the wall). Content of news bulletin My bulletin includes: 3 different news stories with 3 in depth interviews and 2 vox pops of people looking at the events. The OCR news bulletin covered two stories with no vox pops.

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