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Danni #614 The Berlin Wall After World War II Germany and Berlin were divided.

East Berlin was owned by the Soviets and was communist, and the West side was owned by the French, English, and Americans. Recently, I saw a picture of the Berlin Wall that was put up to keep the East Berliners from escaping. In the picture, there was a little boy walking down a sidewalk. He was not playing or running. This little boy lived on the east side of Berlin. ON the left side of the boy, there was a building with bricked-in windows, and weeds. To the right, there was a huge cement wall imbedded with barbed wire. On top of the wall, there was forked rebar holding stringed barbed wire to prevent people from escaping. The sidewalk has loads of trash everywhere. IN front of the boy, there was a man walking just like the boy, and if front of the man, there were huge buildings that had bricked in windows. There are n sounds of children playing or running around. There was just silence.

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