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Name : Augustina NPM : 11212245

Conversation Susan : Good morning. Excuse me. Mr. Harris, may I talk to you?

Mr. Harris : Who is? Susan : This is me Susan Barnes.

Mr. Harris : Ok. Please come in. Susan : Thank you Mr. Harris

Mr. Harris : What happen Susan? Susan : I want give you an important letter.

Mr. Harris : What it is? Susan : I want to give up about my job.

Mr. Harris : What? Why Susan? Susan : I feel so confuse and tired. My home is too far from here.

Mr. Harris : So, that is the problem? Susan : No. That is not at all.

Mr. Harris : So, what is again? Susan : I have little children at home. I feel so worried leave them alone at home.

Mr. Harris : How many yours child? Susan : I have two children and now still 2nd elementary school.

Mr. Harris : Okay I know. What is your problem again? Susan : Every morning I must wake up early and prepare my children go to school. And I must go to work by bus if Im late I must wait the next bus 30 minutes then. Mr. Harris : That is all? Susan : Yes, Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris : Susan I want you to stay in here. I dont want you leave. Susan : Me too Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris : I will give you a rise salary and a promotion for a position so you can use that for baby sitter. Susan : What is next Mr. Harris?

Mr. Harris : I will give you a motorcycle for transportation to come here. Susan : Thank you Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris : I also give you a new health insurance for you and your family. Susan : Thank you very much Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris : You are welcome Susan. Susan : I will think about it.

Mr. Harris : I hope you wont leave this company Susan. Susan : I must ask my husband first Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris : Okay. I wait until tomorrow. Susan : Okay Mr. Harris I appreciate for all your kind.

Mr. Harris : I will make you comfort as long as you work in here. Susan : Thank you very much Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris : Yeah you are welcome Susan. Susan : I will tell you tomorrow about this Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris : Dont forget Susan. I hope you change your mind. Susan : Okay. See you tomorrow Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris : See you too Susan. Susan : Thank you for your time Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris : You are welcome Susan.

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