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English - Spanish False Friends

English word
abate actual actually adept adequate adjudicate advise affluent agenda apt to argument assess assist billion bizarre bland candid casual casualty commodities compass complexion comprehensive compromise conductor conference conservatory constipated construe (as) content crime deception devise dilapidated disgrace dismay disparate disgust divert educated elaborate

aplacar, mitigar, amainar real en realidad, en efecto experto suficiente juzgar, arbitrar, decidir aconsejar rico, opulento orden del da, programa propenso a discusin, pelea evaluar, tasar ayudar, auxiliar mil millones raro, extrao soso, mediocre franco, sincero informal vctima, baja; herido artculos, mercancas brjula tez, cutis; carcter completo, exhaustivo acuerdo, arreglo director de orquesta congreso invernadero estreido interpretar (como) satisfecho delito (en general) engao idear, concebir, inventar deteriorado, ruinoso vergenza, deshonra consternacin dispar, distinto repugnancia desviar culto explicar con ms detalle idear, elaborar (plan)

Spanish word
abatir actual actualmente adepto adecuado adjudicar avisar afluente agenda apto para argumento asesorar


shoot down, knock down present, current currently, nowadays follower, supporter appropriate award, allocate warn tributary (river) diary suitable for, fit for plot, topic, issue advise asistir (a un evento) attend billn trillion bizarro brave blando soft cndido naive casual accidental casualidad chance, coincidence comodidades conveniences comps (a pair of) compasses complexin build, body-type comprensivo understanding compromiso commitment conductor driver conferencia lecture conservatorio music academy constipado (have) a cold construir build, construct contento happy crimen murder decepcin disappointment divisar sight, make out dilapidado squandered, wasted desgracia misfortune desmayo faint, fainting disparatado absurd, nonsensical disgusto annoyance divertir amuse, entertain educado polite, well-mannered elaborar make, manufacture, produce

embarrassed eventually exalted extravagant fabric fastidious felony feud garb genial gratuity hymn inhabited mascara misery molest notorious obliging parcel particular petulant precinct preservative pretend propriety recipient recollect refrain remove rendition resume reticent retribution romp sanity sensible stance suburb syndicate ultimately vicious villa zealous

avergonzado finalmente insigne, elevado excesivo, derrochador tela, tejido exigente, quisquilloso delito grave enemistad, contienda vestimenta, atuendo simptico, agradable propina, gratificacin himno (alabanza) habitado rmel desgracia abusar sexualmente tristemente famoso atento, servicial paquete especial enfadado recinto conservante fingir decencia, decoro destinatario recordar abstenerse; estribillo quitar interpretacin musical continuar, reanudar reservado justo castigo retozar cordura sensato postura, opinin barrio residencial consorcio, grupo de inters al final despiadado, atroz casa de campo entusiasta, ferviente

embarazada eventualmente exaltado extravagante fbrica fastidioso felona feudo garbo genial gratuidad himno (nacional) inhabitado mscara miseria molestar notorio obligatorio parcela particular petulante precinto, precintado preservativo pretender propiedad recipiente recolectar refrn remover rendicin resumir reticente retribucin romper sanidad sensible estancia suburbio sindicato ltimamente vicioso villa celoso

pregnant by chance, possibly hotheaded eccentric factory tiresome, annoying betrayal, disloyalty fief, domain grace, allure brilliant, of genious gratuitousness; arbitrariness national anthem uninhabited mask (extreme) poverty upset, annoy, bother well-known compulsory, obligatory lot (of land) private vain seal, sealing condom intend, try property container, vessel collect, harvest saying stir up surrender summarise reluctant remuneration break health sensitive stay, room slum area trade union lately addict, depraved town jealous

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